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Cost per damage protected equalling 4 times require boom.

Not a Bug 3.3.3


Hi there I've been playing with different settings trying to get to a point where an offline base with 100% protection costs an offline raider exactly 4x the amount than normal to break a wall of any type, I've tried adjusting Cost per damage protected, but cant seem to get the right setting for it, is it even possible to achieve this?

If not would it be possible to add this type of thing in the future, a simple setting where you can set figure for the amount over the normal amount to take out any entity.

Other than that loving the paid version of this plugin and how simple players can switch protection on and off.


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If you want it so that a protected wall is essentially 4 times as durable as an unprotected wall, I suggest perhaps setting the protection percent to 75% instead of 100%. This should make it so it will take 1/4 of the damage. Let me know if I'm misunderstanding this.

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