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Npc skins are replaced by Halloween 1.1.0

Closed 2.6.0


Hello unfortunately all Npc skins are replaced by Halloween 1.1.0, do you have any idea what I can do to prevent this. Except to remove the plugin. Because the plugin Halloween 1.1.0 from The_Kiiiing replaces all NPC's from e.g. ArmoredTrain Convoy BossMonster ....... Maybe they have an idea or can block it with NPCSpawn. You are the professionals I have no idea about it 🙄

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Hi, if some plugin changes the clothes of NPCs from NpcSpawn, then you need to edit the plugin that does it, that is, Haloween, it needs to add an exception for all NPCs that have

npc.skinID == 11162132011012

To do this, you need to create a ticket for the Haloween plugin

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            [JsonProperty("Custom NPC clothing ignored NPC skins")]
            public HashSet<ulong> ignoreNpcSkins = new HashSet<ulong>

It seems that the ID already exists. But it does not seem to work.
Unfortunately, the creator of the mod does not answer.

I noticed the following in the console today, it says there quite often. Maybe this will help and you can help me. 

NullReferenceException: Objektverweis nicht auf eine Instanz eines Objekts
bei Oxide.Plugins.NpcSpawn+CustomScientistNpc.EquipCurrentWeapon (Item weapon) [0x00152] in <33e6bd8d01044b408b0deb625f21ecd2>:0 bei Oxide.Plugins.NpcSpawn+CustomScientistNpc.EquipWeapon (System.Boolean skipDeployDelay) [0x0025c] in <33e6bd8d01044b408b0deb625f21ecd2>:0

bei NPCPlayer.EquipTest () [0x00000] in <027d87a999c1486a90d4503facfa73ae>:0
bei InvokeHandlerBase'1[T]. DoTick() [0x00109] in <fa7483e0c5c0471b8c233f9a9121b6dc>:0
bei InvokeHandlerBase'1[T]. LateUpdate () [0x0000c] in <fa7483e0c5c0471b8c233f9a9121b6dc>:0

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