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Bradlery Reward no Multilplier but Multi is active

No Response 1.1.11





we checked our Bradley we use Reward Money ($)

We dont use multipliers.

But sometimes if ppl call Brad they get different Reward Points how is it possible?





please post your config file



  "General Options": {
    "Use Friends": false,
    "Use Clans": true,
    "Use Teams": true,
    "Allow Dynamic PVP to Create PVP Zones": false,
    "Chat Prefix": "<color=orange>[Bradley Drops]</color>",
    "Use Chat Prefix": true,
    "Custom Chat Icon (Default = 0)": 0,
    "Supply Signal Fuse Length (Rust Default = 3.5)": 3.5,
    "Supply Signal Smoke Duration (Rust Default = 210)": 10.0,
    "Cargo Plane Speed (Rust Default = 35)": 255.0,
    "Cargo Plane Height Above The Heighest Point On The Map": 10.0,
    "Parachute Drag (Lower = Faster. eg: 0.6)": 0.5,
    "Min Distance From Building Privilege To Use Signals (Important: Greater or Equal To Proximity Check Radius)": 20.0,
    "Strict Proximity Check (Checks for objects close to signal, prevents APC landing on objects)": true,
    "Strict Proximity Check Radius": 10.0,
    "Remove Entities In Landing Zone Radius (Requires Strict Proximity Check Enabled)": false,
    "Disable vanilla Bradley APC at Launch Site": false,
    "Use this plugin to control stacking/combing Bradley Drop signal items": true,
    "Command to Show Details of Players Own Active Bradleys (Admin Perm Allows to See ALL Active Bradleys)": "bdreport"
  "Announce Options": {
    "Announce When Player Calls a Bradley Drop": true,
    "Announce Bradley Kill In Chat": false,
    "Announce Damage Report In Chat": false,
    "Max Number Players Displayed in Damage Report": 5,
    "Announcements Also Go To Global Chat (false = Player/Team Only)": true
  "Discord Options": {
    "Discord WebHook URL": "https://discord.com/api/webhooks/123...",
    "Announce to Discord when Bradley is called": true,
    "Announce to Discord when Bradley is killed": true,
    "Announce to Discord when Bradley de-spawns": true
  "Reward Options": {
    "Rewards Plugin (ServerRewards | Economics)": "Economics",
    "Currency Unit Displayed e.g: RP | $": "$",
    "Enable Rewards": true,
    "Share Reward Between Players Above Damage Threshold": false,
    "Enable Scrap Reward": false,
    "Share Scrap Between Players Above Damage Threshold": false,
    "Rewards multipliers by permission": {
      "bradleydrops.examplevip1": 1.25,
      "bradleydrops.examplevip2": 1.5,
      "bradleydrops.examplevip3": 1.75
  "Purchasing Options": {
    "Player Buy Command (Chat or F1 Console)": "bdbuy",
    "Purchasing Currency (ServerRewards|Economics|Custom)": "Economics",
    "Currency Unit Displayed e.g: RP | $ (Not Used for Custom Currency)": "RP",
    "Custom Currency": [
        "ShortName": "scrap",
        "SkinID": 0,
        "Display Name": "Scrap"
  "Bradley APC Options": {
    "Player Give Up and Despawn Command (Despawns All of That Players Bradleys, NO Refund Given)": "bddespawn",
    "Team Can Deswpan Bradleys Using the Command (Requires Use Friends/Clans/Teams option)": false,
    "Global Bradley Limit (0 = No Limit)": 5,
    "Player Bradley Limit (0 = No Limit)": 2,
    "Max Distance Bradley Can Be Damaged By Any Player (0 = Disabled)": 1000.0,
    "Use Explosion Effect When Bradley Despawns": true,
    "Despawn if attacking player is building blocked, while 'Block damage to other players bases' is true": false,
    "Despawn warning threshold (Number of warnings allowed before despawning)": 25,
    "Use NoEscape": false,
    "Player Cooldown (seconds) Between Bradley Drop Calls (0 = no cooldown)": 0.0,
    "Player Cooldowns Apply to Each Tier Seperately": true,
    "Cooldown Applies to Clan/Team/Friends (Requires Use Friends/Use Clan/Use Teams)": true,
    "Allow Players to Damage Bradleys With Remote Auto Turrets": true,
    "VIP/Custom Cooldowns": {
      "bradleydrops.examplevip1": 3000.0,
      "bradleydrops.examplevip2": 2400.0,
      "bradleydrops.examplevip3": 1800.0
    "Profiles": {
      "Bradley Drop (Easy)": {
        "Bradley display name": "Bradley Drop (Easy)",
        "Skin ID of the custom Supply Signal": 2905355269,
        "Profile shortname (for use in permission and give command)": "easy",
        "Enable purchasing via the buy command": true,
        "Cost to purchase (using buy command)": 300,
        "Starting health": 1000.0,
        "Prevent damage while parachuting": true,
        "Range of main gun": 60.0,
        "Gun Damage scale (1.0 = default, 2.0 = 2x, etc)": 1.0,
        "Gun accuracy % (1 to 100)": 40.0,
        "Main cannon damage scale (1.0 = default, 2.0 = 2x, etc)": 1.0,
        "Search range": 60.0,
        "Patrol radius": 20.0,
        "Number of patrol points": 4,
        "Throttle response (1.0 = default)": 1.0,
        "Number of crates to spawn": 3,
        "Number of locked hackable crates to spawn": 0,
        "Hack time for locked crate (seconds)": 30.0,
        "Locked crate despawn time (seconds)": 180.0,
        "Kill if APC goes in SafeZone": true,
        "Despawn timer": 300.0,
        "Attack owner": true,
        "Target sleeping players": false,
        "Only owner can damage (and team if enabled) ": false,
        "Allow Bradley to target other players": true,
        "Block damage to calling players bases": false,
        "Block damage to other players bases": false,
        "Block damage to other players": false,
        "Disable Bradley gibs": false,
        "Gibs too hot to harvest time (Seconds)": 1.0,
        "Health of gibs (more health = more resources)": 500.0,
        "Lock mining gibs to owner": false,
        "Unlock mining gibs to others after time in seconds (0 = Never)": 1.0,
        "Disable fire on crates": true,
        "Crate fire duration (seconds)": 1.0,
        "Lock looting crates to owner": true,
        "Unlock looting crates to others after time in seconds (0 = Never)": 300.0,
        "Reward points issued when destroyed (if enabled)": 1000.0,
        "Scrap amount issued when destroyed (if enabled)": 1000,
        "Damage Threshold (Min damage player needs to contribute to get rewards)": 100.0,
        "BotReSpawn profile to spawn at Bradley kill site (leave blank for not using)": "",
        "Loot Options": {
          "Use custom loot table": true,
          "Minimum number loot items in crate (0 - 12)": 3,
          "Maximum number loot items in crate (0 - 12)": 5,
          "Allow duplication of loot items": true,
          "Maximum number of BPs in each crate": 2,
          "Custom loot table": [
              "ShortName": "explosive.timed",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 80.0,
              "Min amount": 2,
              "Max Amount": 4,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Timed Explosive Charge",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "door.hinged.toptier",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 15.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 1,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Armored Door",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "rifle.bolt",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 15.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 1,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Bolt Action Rifle",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "smg.thompson",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 20.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 1,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Thompson",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "weapon.mod.8x.scope",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 20.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 1,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "16x Zoom Scope",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "door.double.hinged.toptier",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 20.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 1,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Armored Double Door",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "smg.mp5",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 30.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 1,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "MP5A4",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "smg.2",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 30.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 1,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Custom SMG",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "weapon.mod.lasersight",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 50.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 1,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Timed Explosive Charge",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "ammo.rocket.mlrs",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 30.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 2,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "MLRS Rocket",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "supply.signal",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 20.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 2,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Supply Signal",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "rifle.m39",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 50.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 2,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "M39 Rifle",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "grenade.f1",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 70.0,
              "Min amount": 5,
              "Max Amount": 7,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "F1 Grenade",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "ammo.rifle",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 50.0,
              "Min amount": 30,
              "Max Amount": 70,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "5.56 Rifle Ammo",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "ammo.rifle.hv",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 50.0,
              "Min amount": 30,
              "Max Amount": 70,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "HV 5.56 Rifle Ammo",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "explosives",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 50.0,
              "Min amount": 8,
              "Max Amount": 14,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Explosives",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "jackhammer",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 30.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 2,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Jackhammer",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "explosive.satchel",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 40.0,
              "Min amount": 6,
              "Max Amount": 12,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Satchel Charge",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "ammo.rocket.basic",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 75.0,
              "Min amount": 4,
              "Max Amount": 6,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Rocket",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
        "Extra Loot Options": {
          "Use extra loot table (NOTE: Total of crate loot + extra items cannot exceed 12)": false,
          "Minimum number extra items to add to crate": 1,
          "Maximum number extra items to add to crate": 3,
          "Allow duplication of extra items": false,
          "Maximum number of BPs in each crate": 2,
          "Extra loot table": [
              "ShortName": "example.shortname1",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 50.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 2,
              "SkinID": 1234567890,
              "Display Name": "Example Display Name 1",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "example.shortname2",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 50.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 2,
              "SkinID": 1234567890,
              "Display Name": "Example Display Name 2",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
        "Locked Crate Loot Options": {
          "Use locked crate loot table (NOTE: Total items cannot exceed 36)": false,
          "Minimum number items to add to locked crate": 1,
          "Maximum number items to add to locked crate": 3,
          "Allow duplication of locked crate items": false,
          "Maximum number of BPs in crate": 2,
          "Locked crate loot table": [
              "ShortName": "example.shortname1",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 50.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 2,
              "SkinID": 1234567890,
              "Display Name": "Example Display Name 1",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "example.shortname2",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 50.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 2,
              "SkinID": 1234567890,
              "Display Name": "Example Display Name 2",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
      "Bradley Drop (Medium)": {
        "Bradley display name": "Bradley Drop (Medium)",
        "Skin ID of the custom Supply Signal": 2905355312,
        "Profile shortname (for use in permission and give command)": "medium",
        "Enable purchasing via the buy command": true,
        "Cost to purchase (using buy command)": 600,
        "Starting health": 2000.0,
        "Prevent damage while parachuting": true,
        "Range of main gun": 80.0,
        "Gun Damage scale (1.0 = default, 2.0 = 2x, etc)": 1.0,
        "Gun accuracy % (1 to 100)": 60.0,
        "Main cannon damage scale (1.0 = default, 2.0 = 2x, etc)": 1.0,
        "Search range": 80.0,
        "Patrol radius": 20.0,
        "Number of patrol points": 3,
        "Throttle response (1.0 = default)": 1.0,
        "Number of crates to spawn": 6,
        "Number of locked hackable crates to spawn": 0,
        "Hack time for locked crate (seconds)": 60.0,
        "Locked crate despawn time (seconds)": 120.0,
        "Kill if APC goes in SafeZone": true,
        "Despawn timer": 900.0,
        "Attack owner": true,
        "Target sleeping players": false,
        "Only owner can damage (and team if enabled) ": false,
        "Allow Bradley to target other players": true,
        "Block damage to calling players bases": false,
        "Block damage to other players bases": false,
        "Block damage to other players": false,
        "Disable Bradley gibs": false,
        "Gibs too hot to harvest time (Seconds)": 1.0,
        "Health of gibs (more health = more resources)": 500.0,
        "Lock mining gibs to owner": false,
        "Unlock mining gibs to others after time in seconds (0 = Never)": 1.0,
        "Disable fire on crates": true,
        "Crate fire duration (seconds)": 1.0,
        "Lock looting crates to owner": true,
        "Unlock looting crates to others after time in seconds (0 = Never)": 120.0,
        "Reward points issued when destroyed (if enabled)": 2000.0,
        "Scrap amount issued when destroyed (if enabled)": 2000,
        "Damage Threshold (Min damage player needs to contribute to get rewards)": 150.0,
        "BotReSpawn profile to spawn at Bradley kill site (leave blank for not using)": "",
        "Loot Options": {
          "Use custom loot table": true,
          "Minimum number loot items in crate (0 - 12)": 5,
          "Maximum number loot items in crate (0 - 12)": 8,
          "Allow duplication of loot items": true,
          "Maximum number of BPs in each crate": 2,
          "Custom loot table": [
              "ShortName": "explosive.timed",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 80.0,
              "Min amount": 3,
              "Max Amount": 6,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Timed Explosive Charge",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "door.hinged.toptier",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 15.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 1,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Armored Door",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "rifle.bolt",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 15.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 1,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Bolt Action Rifle",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "smg.thompson",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 20.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 1,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Thompson",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "weapon.mod.8x.scope",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 20.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 1,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "16x Zoom Scope",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "door.double.hinged.toptier",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 20.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 1,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Armored Double Door",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "smg.mp5",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 30.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 1,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "MP5A4",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "smg.2",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 30.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 1,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Custom SMG",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "weapon.mod.lasersight",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 50.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 1,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Timed Explosive Charge",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "ammo.rocket.mlrs",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 30.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 2,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "MLRS Rocket",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "supply.signal",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 20.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 2,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Supply Signal",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "rifle.m39",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 50.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 2,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "M39 Rifle",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "lmg.m249",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 30.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 1,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "M249",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "grenade.f1",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 70.0,
              "Min amount": 5,
              "Max Amount": 7,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "F1 Grenade",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "grenade.f1",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 70.0,
              "Min amount": 5,
              "Max Amount": 7,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "F1 Grenade",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "hmlmg",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 35.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 1,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "HMLMG",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "ammo.rifle",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 50.0,
              "Min amount": 30,
              "Max Amount": 70,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "5.56 Rifle Ammo",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "ammo.rifle.hv",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 50.0,
              "Min amount": 30,
              "Max Amount": 70,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "HV 5.56 Rifle Ammo",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "explosives",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 50.0,
              "Min amount": 8,
              "Max Amount": 14,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Explosives",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "jackhammer",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 30.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 2,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Jackhammer",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "explosive.satchel",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 40.0,
              "Min amount": 6,
              "Max Amount": 12,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Satchel Charge",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "ammo.rocket.basic",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 75.0,
              "Min amount": 5,
              "Max Amount": 9,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Rocket",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
        "Extra Loot Options": {
          "Use extra loot table (NOTE: Total of crate loot + extra items cannot exceed 12)": false,
          "Minimum number extra items to add to crate": 1,
          "Maximum number extra items to add to crate": 3,
          "Allow duplication of extra items": false,
          "Maximum number of BPs in each crate": 2,
          "Extra loot table": [
              "ShortName": "example.shortname1",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 50.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 2,
              "SkinID": 1234567890,
              "Display Name": "Example Display Name 1",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "example.shortname2",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 50.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 2,
              "SkinID": 1234567890,
              "Display Name": "Example Display Name 2",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
        "Locked Crate Loot Options": {
          "Use locked crate loot table (NOTE: Total items cannot exceed 36)": false,
          "Minimum number items to add to locked crate": 1,
          "Maximum number items to add to locked crate": 3,
          "Allow duplication of locked crate items": false,
          "Maximum number of BPs in crate": 2,
          "Locked crate loot table": [
              "ShortName": "example.shortname1",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 50.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 2,
              "SkinID": 1234567890,
              "Display Name": "Example Display Name 1",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "example.shortname2",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 50.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 2,
              "SkinID": 1234567890,
              "Display Name": "Example Display Name 2",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
      "Bradley Drop (Hard)": {
        "Bradley display name": "Bradley Drop (Hard)",
        "Skin ID of the custom Supply Signal": 2905355296,
        "Profile shortname (for use in permission and give command)": "hard",
        "Enable purchasing via the buy command": true,
        "Cost to purchase (using buy command)": 1000,
        "Starting health": 4000.0,
        "Prevent damage while parachuting": true,
        "Range of main gun": 100.0,
        "Gun Damage scale (1.0 = default, 2.0 = 2x, etc)": 1.0,
        "Gun accuracy % (1 to 100)": 80.0,
        "Main cannon damage scale (1.0 = default, 2.0 = 2x, etc)": 1.0,
        "Search range": 100.0,
        "Patrol radius": 25.0,
        "Number of patrol points": 4,
        "Throttle response (1.0 = default)": 1.0,
        "Number of crates to spawn": 9,
        "Number of locked hackable crates to spawn": 0,
        "Hack time for locked crate (seconds)": 60.0,
        "Locked crate despawn time (seconds)": 120.0,
        "Kill if APC goes in SafeZone": true,
        "Despawn timer": 1800.0,
        "Attack owner": true,
        "Target sleeping players": false,
        "Only owner can damage (and team if enabled) ": false,
        "Allow Bradley to target other players": true,
        "Block damage to calling players bases": false,
        "Block damage to other players bases": false,
        "Block damage to other players": false,
        "Disable Bradley gibs": false,
        "Gibs too hot to harvest time (Seconds)": 1.0,
        "Health of gibs (more health = more resources)": 500.0,
        "Lock mining gibs to owner": false,
        "Unlock mining gibs to others after time in seconds (0 = Never)": 1.0,
        "Disable fire on crates": true,
        "Crate fire duration (seconds)": 0.0,
        "Lock looting crates to owner": true,
        "Unlock looting crates to others after time in seconds (0 = Never)": 120.0,
        "Reward points issued when destroyed (if enabled)": 4000.0,
        "Scrap amount issued when destroyed (if enabled)": 4000,
        "Damage Threshold (Min damage player needs to contribute to get rewards)": 200.0,
        "BotReSpawn profile to spawn at Bradley kill site (leave blank for not using)": "",
        "Loot Options": {
          "Use custom loot table": true,
          "Minimum number loot items in crate (0 - 12)": 6,
          "Maximum number loot items in crate (0 - 12)": 10,
          "Allow duplication of loot items": true,
          "Maximum number of BPs in each crate": 2,
          "Custom loot table": [
              "ShortName": "explosive.timed",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 80.0,
              "Min amount": 3,
              "Max Amount": 6,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Timed Explosive Charge",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "door.hinged.toptier",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 15.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 1,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Armored Door",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "rifle.bolt",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 15.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 1,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Bolt Action Rifle",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "smg.thompson",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 20.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 1,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Thompson",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "weapon.mod.8x.scope",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 20.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 1,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "16x Zoom Scope",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "door.double.hinged.toptier",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 20.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 1,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Armored Double Door",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "smg.mp5",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 30.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 1,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "MP5A4",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "smg.2",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 30.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 1,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Custom SMG",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "weapon.mod.lasersight",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 50.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 1,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Timed Explosive Charge",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "ammo.rocket.mlrs",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 30.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 2,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "MLRS Rocket",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "supply.signal",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 20.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 2,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Supply Signal",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "hmlmg",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 35.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 1,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "HMLMG",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "rifle.m39",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 40.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 1,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "M39 Rifle",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "lmg.m249",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 40.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 1,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "M249",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "grenade.f1",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 70.0,
              "Min amount": 5,
              "Max Amount": 7,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "F1 Grenade",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "grenade.f1",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 70.0,
              "Min amount": 5,
              "Max Amount": 7,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "F1 Grenade",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "ammo.rifle",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 50.0,
              "Min amount": 30,
              "Max Amount": 70,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "5.56 Rifle Ammo",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "ammo.rifle.hv",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 50.0,
              "Min amount": 30,
              "Max Amount": 70,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "HV 5.56 Rifle Ammo",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "explosives",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 50.0,
              "Min amount": 8,
              "Max Amount": 14,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Explosives",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "jackhammer",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 30.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 2,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Jackhammer",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "explosive.satchel",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 40.0,
              "Min amount": 6,
              "Max Amount": 12,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Satchel Charge",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "rifle.l96",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 20.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 1,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "L96 Rifle",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "ammo.rocket.basic",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 75.0,
              "Min amount": 4,
              "Max Amount": 9,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Rocket",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
        "Extra Loot Options": {
          "Use extra loot table (NOTE: Total of crate loot + extra items cannot exceed 12)": false,
          "Minimum number extra items to add to crate": 1,
          "Maximum number extra items to add to crate": 3,
          "Allow duplication of extra items": false,
          "Maximum number of BPs in each crate": 2,
          "Extra loot table": [
              "ShortName": "example.shortname1",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 50.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 2,
              "SkinID": 1234567890,
              "Display Name": "Example Display Name 1",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "example.shortname2",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 50.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 2,
              "SkinID": 1234567890,
              "Display Name": "Example Display Name 2",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
        "Locked Crate Loot Options": {
          "Use locked crate loot table (NOTE: Total items cannot exceed 36)": false,
          "Minimum number items to add to locked crate": 1,
          "Maximum number items to add to locked crate": 3,
          "Allow duplication of locked crate items": false,
          "Maximum number of BPs in crate": 2,
          "Locked crate loot table": [
              "ShortName": "example.shortname1",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 50.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 2,
              "SkinID": 1234567890,
              "Display Name": "Example Display Name 1",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "example.shortname2",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 50.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 2,
              "SkinID": 1234567890,
              "Display Name": "Example Display Name 2",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
      "Bradley Drop (Elite)": {
        "Bradley display name": "Bradley Drop (Elite)",
        "Skin ID of the custom Supply Signal": 2911864795,
        "Profile shortname (for use in permission and give command)": "elite",
        "Enable purchasing via the buy command": true,
        "Cost to purchase (using buy command)": 2000,
        "Starting health": 8000.0,
        "Prevent damage while parachuting": true,
        "Range of main gun": 150.0,
        "Gun Damage scale (1.0 = default, 2.0 = 2x, etc)": 2.0,
        "Gun accuracy % (1 to 100)": 100.0,
        "Main cannon damage scale (1.0 = default, 2.0 = 2x, etc)": 1.0,
        "Search range": 150.0,
        "Patrol radius": 25.0,
        "Number of patrol points": 3,
        "Throttle response (1.0 = default)": 1.0,
        "Number of crates to spawn": 18,
        "Number of locked hackable crates to spawn": 0,
        "Hack time for locked crate (seconds)": 60.0,
        "Locked crate despawn time (seconds)": 120.0,
        "Kill if APC goes in SafeZone": true,
        "Despawn timer": 1800.0,
        "Attack owner": true,
        "Target sleeping players": false,
        "Only owner can damage (and team if enabled) ": false,
        "Allow Bradley to target other players": true,
        "Block damage to calling players bases": false,
        "Block damage to other players bases": false,
        "Block damage to other players": false,
        "Disable Bradley gibs": false,
        "Gibs too hot to harvest time (Seconds)": 1.0,
        "Health of gibs (more health = more resources)": 500.0,
        "Lock mining gibs to owner": false,
        "Unlock mining gibs to others after time in seconds (0 = Never)": 1.0,
        "Disable fire on crates": true,
        "Crate fire duration (seconds)": 1.0,
        "Lock looting crates to owner": true,
        "Unlock looting crates to others after time in seconds (0 = Never)": 120.0,
        "Reward points issued when destroyed (if enabled)": 8000.0,
        "Scrap amount issued when destroyed (if enabled)": 8000,
        "Damage Threshold (Min damage player needs to contribute to get rewards)": 250.0,
        "BotReSpawn profile to spawn at Bradley kill site (leave blank for not using)": "",
        "Loot Options": {
          "Use custom loot table": true,
          "Minimum number loot items in crate (0 - 12)": 8,
          "Maximum number loot items in crate (0 - 12)": 12,
          "Allow duplication of loot items": true,
          "Maximum number of BPs in each crate": 2,
          "Custom loot table": [
              "ShortName": "explosive.timed",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 80.0,
              "Min amount": 3,
              "Max Amount": 6,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Timed Explosive Charge",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "door.hinged.toptier",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 15.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 1,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Armored Door",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "rifle.bolt",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 15.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 1,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Bolt Action Rifle",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "smg.thompson",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 20.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 1,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Thompson",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "weapon.mod.8x.scope",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 20.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 1,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "16x Zoom Scope",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "door.double.hinged.toptier",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 20.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 1,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Armored Double Door",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "smg.mp5",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 30.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 1,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "MP5A4",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "smg.2",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 30.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 1,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Custom SMG",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "weapon.mod.lasersight",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 50.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 1,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Timed Explosive Charge",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "ammo.rocket.mlrs",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 30.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 2,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "MLRS Rocket",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "supply.signal",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 20.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 2,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Supply Signal",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "rifle.m39",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 50.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 2,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "M39 Rifle",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "lmg.m249",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 55.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 1,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "M249",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "grenade.f1",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 70.0,
              "Min amount": 5,
              "Max Amount": 7,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "F1 Grenade",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "grenade.f1",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 70.0,
              "Min amount": 5,
              "Max Amount": 7,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "F1 Grenade",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "ammo.rifle",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 50.0,
              "Min amount": 30,
              "Max Amount": 70,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "5.56 Rifle Ammo",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "ammo.rifle.hv",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 50.0,
              "Min amount": 30,
              "Max Amount": 70,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "HV 5.56 Rifle Ammo",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "hmlmg",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 50.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 1,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "HMLMG",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "explosives",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 50.0,
              "Min amount": 8,
              "Max Amount": 14,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Explosives",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "jackhammer",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 30.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 2,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Jackhammer",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "explosive.satchel",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 40.0,
              "Min amount": 6,
              "Max Amount": 12,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Satchel Charge",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "rifle.l96",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 45.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 1,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "L96 Rifle",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "ammo.rocket.basic",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 75.0,
              "Min amount": 4,
              "Max Amount": 9,
              "SkinID": 0,
              "Display Name": "Rocket",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
        "Extra Loot Options": {
          "Use extra loot table (NOTE: Total of crate loot + extra items cannot exceed 12)": false,
          "Minimum number extra items to add to crate": 1,
          "Maximum number extra items to add to crate": 3,
          "Allow duplication of extra items": false,
          "Maximum number of BPs in each crate": 2,
          "Extra loot table": [
              "ShortName": "example.shortname1",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 50.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 2,
              "SkinID": 1234567890,
              "Display Name": "Example Display Name 1",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "example.shortname2",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 50.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 2,
              "SkinID": 1234567890,
              "Display Name": "Example Display Name 2",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
        "Locked Crate Loot Options": {
          "Use locked crate loot table (NOTE: Total items cannot exceed 36)": false,
          "Minimum number items to add to locked crate": 1,
          "Maximum number items to add to locked crate": 3,
          "Allow duplication of locked crate items": false,
          "Maximum number of BPs in crate": 2,
          "Locked crate loot table": [
              "ShortName": "example.shortname1",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 50.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 2,
              "SkinID": 1234567890,
              "Display Name": "Example Display Name 1",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
              "ShortName": "example.shortname2",
              "Chance (0 - 100)": 50.0,
              "Min amount": 1,
              "Max Amount": 2,
              "SkinID": 1234567890,
              "Display Name": "Example Display Name 2",
              "Blueprint Chance Instead of Item, 0 = disabled. (0 - 100)": 0.0
  "Version": {
    "Major": 1,
    "Minor": 1,
    "Patch": 11



Posted (edited)

Thanks, in future though, please don't copy and paste the config like this, simply just upload the config file in the thread. I'll look into this when I have time and update.

Can you explain more who gets the wrong amount and when?

Edited by ZEODE


oki sorry ^^


random players with vip tag they called bradley a lot of times but xp is all time different.



Thank you, work has been crazy busy and also busy with the kids. But I will try and get on the test server this weekend and see if I can reproduce this and find the issue.

  • Like 1


I have been testing this a lot today, I cannot reproduce your issue. Is it still happening? Is the person solo, in a team, clan etc?



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