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Backpack Disable Bug /issue ??

Closed 1.0.12



Backpack plugin is basically a 3 plugin package;

1. Backpack

2. Backpack Button

3. Item Retriever

This is pretty well standard setup for most servers using the Backpack plugin as these 3 really compliment one another. I have run into an issue though where Backpack gets disabled (which it should in Arena event), however if the player Backpack has "Gather: All" or "Gather: Existing" toggled on in his backpack then all items picked up in the Arena are being put into the backpack automatically, therefor the players doesn't actually get them while playing in the Arena.

This could be resolved I believe if you add parameter that when it disables backpack for Arena event, it also Toggles the Gather: to OFF. But if a player has ammo in his backpack, Retreve: should also be toggled to OFF. This would completely disable the backpack & Item Retriever functionality while in the Arena.



Changed Status from Pending to Closed



I had a chat with White and it the gather should be disabled while the backpack is inaccessible. I did update the plugin to support the hook natively rather than simply preventing the command. Give that a crack.



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