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1 Server FPS when loading

Pending 1.2.2


So i am moving from BetterNPC, as this plugin just has far more settings to use and better integrations with other plugins i have.

However, I have this running on a Dev server i have to test plugins, maps, etc. and i have only this plugin on that server, with a 3500 sized map. But when i load the plugin, the entire server drops to 1 sFPS. I'm pretty sure its the settings i have for spawning NPCs, but this plugin is spawning about the same amount of total NPCs i have on my production server that uses betterNPC at the moment which runs at about 60 sFPS with about 130 plugins. 

Any idea what would be causing this?

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  • Administrator

😂 Good stuff!
There is actually a known issue that would cause what you're seeing, and I've remedied for the next update.
Only seems to happen under pretty heavy load so, hopefully, you wont experience it again but
if you do let me know and I'll DM you a pre-release copy.

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I have noticed that spawning has a problem on monuments that are "Off terrain" like the dome, you have to set spawn points for those im assuming? so that they will spawn like in and on the dome?

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  • Administrator

The Off terrain option is there for profiles, or for custom added spawnpoints which aren't on the terrain.
That could be on top of buildings like at the Launch Site, or at custom monuments out at sea, like shipwrecks or custom oilrigs.

If you were to use custom spawn points at the Dome but they were all on the actual Dome monument, I'd set Off_Terrain to true for that profile. 👍


The Dome is a bit of an anomaly in so much as BotReSpawn, when finding spawnpoints, looks for points on terrain with a clear view upwards to the sky.
That means the Dome itself gets in the way of that where a small radius is chosen.

The best way to use the Dome profile is either to increase the spawn radius, so points are found in the surrounding area,
or to set UseCustomSpawns true and add a few custom spawnpoints of your own.

You can do a combination - For example asking for 10 npcs but only providing 5 custom spawnpoints.
As long as spawn radius is big enough BotReSpawn will make up the other 5 by finding random points in the area.

Edited by Steenamaroo
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Yup thats exactly what i was going about doing. How does it handle underground, like launchsite?, or military tunnel? I assume same thing as like with the dome, just set custom spawn points ?

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  • Administrator

Underground should be fine in most places as far as I know.
Yes, custom spawn points would be required and I know there are some areas where there are just too many obstacles for it to work well,
but from what I hear they work well in most.

Fairly sure you'd need to set Off_Terrain true for those profiles too.

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  • Administrator

Very glad to hear that.
Don't hesitate to ask if you have any other questions.

Hopefully overspawning should be a viable option with the next update. 😂

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Actually i did find one thing i cant sort out, it looks like default spawns on some monuments are still spawning and getting into fights with the other NPCs that spawn from the plugin (Which is what i would want), but any way to stop the default NPCs from spawning?

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would be great to have them be disabled in some way if your plugin is spawning them, otherwise its a random war between NPCs for me lol. I need to have it enabled since i use Personal NPC with its defend mode enabled, im pretty sure without that, they wouldn't fight back against it?

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  • Administrator

Oh, sorry. I think I misunderstood.
I thought you were talking about Rust's vanilla spawning npcs there.

All profiles in BotReSpawn can be enabled, disabled, and customised.

Sounds like you've created a custom profile somewhere close to a default profile?
If you want one of them turned off just look it up in the UI and set AutoSpawn false.

Just in case you weren't aware, you can set custom spawn points within any profile - whether a custom added one or a default one.
Exceptions, of course, for biomes + events. 👍

Edited by Steenamaroo
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Well i am talking about the Rust Vanilla spawns, They keep showing up on monuments, and getting into fights with the BotReSpawn NPCs, I want those to be disabled totally where the plugin is spawning npcs.


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After some playing around, it seems the fact that the default rust NPCs fight with the BotReSpawn NPCs, it causes consistent lag spikes where sFPS will drop 20-30 when spawn timers trigger either for BotReSpawn or defaults. 

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  • Administrator

I'll send you a copy which addresses the issue I mentioned earlier.
It's most likely related.

As for disabling vanilla monument npcs, I'll look into incorporating that into NPCKits but it won't be today or tomorrow.
Depending what monument it is there may possibly be server convars you can set to zero to turn them off?
Failing that, setting `Target_Other_Npcs` to Ignore for your profile, in BotReSpawn UI, should allow ceasefire for now.

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Yeah that setting works for the time being, but due to how Personal NPC works, NPCs spawned by BotReSpawn no longer fight back against PersonalNPC's. So if someone puts their NPC into PvP mode, its exploitable to just kill other NPCs without getting attacked yourself, or your NPC.

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  • Administrator

I see.
I think when it comes to fights between BotReSpawn and Vanilla/default npcs, BotReSpawn has to be the instigator,
so I guess set the BotReSpawn profile Target_Other_Npcs to defend instead, then?

That should keep peace between BotReSpawn and vanilla, but also allow BotReSpawn to defend from player attacks via Personal NPC.

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Ahh good point there, i hadn't thought of that. So defend means they will Defend themselves when attacked. For some reason i had it in my head that ment they will defend those NPCs if they are attacked lol.

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  • Administrator

Yeah, that's right - For the various targeting options with Ignore/Defend/Attack,
Defend means the npcs will be passive to the subject unless they are attacked. 👍

Sounds like a solution but I'll still put together something to disable vanilla npcs by monument.
Too many people have asked over the years.

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Cool, yeah really that is the only option i've found that BetterNPC has over your plugin, aside from that one option, Yours is just a superior addon, both in options an performance.

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