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Bugs and Suggestions

Pending 1.1.1

I wanted to report a couple of functional issues with the plugin, and provide a couple of suggestions:


1) Console error every time a Targeting Computer is used to lower the countdown:
Failed to call hook 'OnItemDropped' on plugin 'HackableCrateUnlock v1.1.1' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object.)
  at Oxide.Plugins.HackableCrateUnlock.OnItemDropped (Item item, BaseEntity entity) [0x000a6] in <6fd876fa215848d3a6bdfdba86380eed>:0  19 slprs                                                                          14kb/s in, 136kb/s out
  at Oxide.Plugins.HackableCrateUnlock.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x0021b] in <6fd876fa215848d3a6bdfdba86380eed>:0
  at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <23ba99f131254889867c71f0bd137b1d>:0
  at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000d8] in <157a94ee66ab4a7991faecd1eb84be3b>:0
  at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <157a94ee66ab4a7991faecdCalling kill - but already IsDestroyed!? generic_world[0] targeting.computer (world)

2) While broadcasting the message " You are Xm away. " the distance shown and the message is exactly the same for everyone on the server, so if for example I unlock a crate while I receive this message it is saying 1m away for me and also for anybody else reading the message ( they are not 1m away but far away around the map ).

3) If you take a single Targeting Computer out of a stack and throw it on the ground the time won't be reduced, the only way to make it work is to place the single Targeting Computer out of the stack and then place it in a slot in your inventory and then throw it, instead of taking it out of the stack with the right mouse button and throwing it on the ground ( in a single slide ) as it might feel more natural for the majority of players. Unfortunately this is causing a lot of confusion among my players, who are constantly reporting to me the problem.


1) To make a basic UI, as a button, to pop-up when close to a Hackable Crate, to click on and automatically use laptops/choose the number of laptops in the inventory to use.

2) To add the option to send the chat message only for the player who starts hacking the crate, instead of broadcasting it globally.

3) To Add a third VIP option, as "vip3 Configuration".

Thank you in advance

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I have modified the CS to add VIP3 option, tested and its working. lmk if you need the file.. i dont think author is going to respond anytime soon

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hey @salientKill, t
hank you for your effort, but I have manually added it to my plugin as well - I would like it to be integrated into the official version, so to avoid the need to edit the plugin every time an Update comes out.

Thank you anyway for your help mate 🙂

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