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Duplication and Inability to Update existing kits?

Closed 1.2.2


Posted (edited)

I run into a couple issues.

I created the 1st TEST kit after adding the addons. I imported into wpkits... great. But no image, so I went back to edit the kit, adding a url link to the image, selected overwrite etc. as expected in kits gui. I noticed nothing changed in WPkits on the info panel, the image still didn't show. So I reloaded the WPKits plugin thinking it probably had to update the wpkits config json but no change, reloaded all oxide plugins for the hell of it, still no change. I tried importing the kits again, it said TEST was already imported and didn't import again.

So... I created a second kit called GINGER and this time added the image url at the time of creation. I imported and sure enough it shows the kit and the image I'd expect to see for the ginger kit. HOWEVER ... now I have two TEST kits showing, plus the ginger one. Neither one of the TEST kits display with an image so it didn't even import again properly with any updated image URL which currently exists if I look at it in /kits manually. I did notice I could simple add the image url manually in the config json for the TEST kit, but this IMO is a work around, and could be annoying if kit changes need to be coded manually into the config file all the time.

Anyways I looked at the config WPkits.json and it only shows the TEST kit listed once, but it displays twice in the info panel kits tab. This a known bug? 

  "Settings": {
    "Kits Currency Name": "scrap",
    "Main Panel Color": "0.25 0.25 0.25 0.45",
    "Secondary Panel Color": "0.19 0.19 0.19 0.65",
    "Claim Button Color": "0.31 0.37 0.20 1.0",
    "On Cooldown Button Color": "0.56 0.20 0.15 1.0",
    "Info Button Color": "0.19 0.19 0.19 0.65",
    "Fade In Value": 0.1,
    "Font Outline Color": "0 0 0 1",
    "Font Outline Thickness": "1"
  "Kits": {
    "TEST": {
      "» Display Name": "TEST",
      "» Image": "",
      "» Short Text": "Short kit description.\nCOOLDOWN: <b><color=#1175A5>{kitCooldown}</color></b> \nUSES LEFT: <b><color=#1175A5>{kitUsesLeft}</color></b>",
      "» Description": "<size=15><b>TEST</b></size>\n\n{kitDescription}\n\n{kitItemList}"
    "Ginger": {
      "» Display Name": "Ginger",
      "» Image": "https://rustlabs.com/img/items180/gingerbreadsuit.png",
      "» Short Text": "Short kit description.\nCOOLDOWN: <b><color=#1175A5>{kitCooldown}</color></b> \nUSES LEFT: <b><color=#1175A5>{kitUsesLeft}</color></b>",
      "» Description": "<size=15><b>Ginger</b></size>\n\n{kitDescription}\n\n{kitItemList}"


Edited by HighOnTek
config, not data.


If some kit is displayed twice, just reload WPKits and that should fix it, it happens sometimes during importing. 

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Changed Status from Pending to Closed



ok, can you make it though so any updates done to a KIT via the kits plugin... are accepted and updated in WPKits vs. giving a canned response that its already been imported. It doesn't need to do a side by side comparison to verify an update, but it should definitely REMOVE and ADD again if that's easier. Like I said, when someone changes or adds an image its not updating unless the config file itself is updated with URL info for that kit. Thanks 🙂 



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