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No more car wrecks left to call airdrop

Closed 2.1.0



I have no more car wrecks marked that I could recycle to get the airdrop.

I accidentally threw 2 over a fence and they lost their marker completely.



Well don't throw them over the fence @Kleementin haha just kidding.

I only remember hearing about this like one other time. Do you have anything there like extra cranes, or a plugin that controls them? I can't remember what we found that was somehow causing an issue before. Generally another wrecked truck should spawn when another is taken outside of the zone. Did you go around to see if it was still there but just lost on the notification?

I would imagine this doesn't happen often right?



Everytime one of the wrecks flew over the c̶u̶c̶k̶o̶o̶'̶s̶ ̶n̶e̶s̶t̶  fence another wreck got a marker.

The only problem was that there was only 1 marker left soon and no other appeared.

I didn't try to just take any wrecks to recycle them.

But I remember doing that with one car wreck at the same event cause it first had a marker which disappeared

then when it fell down but I just recycled it anyway.

Dunno if this did something to the event.

I cannot say if this happens often.

I just started my server again. I will have a look at it.



See if you can get video of being able to reproduce the issue. Perhaps it is on the other side of the fence waiting and the marker is gone. It is worth trying just in case, but any video would be great if this is repeatable @Kleementin.



If you are testing it already, video can show the developer what is happening and used for comparison. It's always easier to say what an issue is when you can actually see it. Otherwise just test it and let me know if this is repeatable for you or if it just happened once. The plugin is written to account for this happening to our knowledge so seeing it not happening properly is nice if you're able but you don't have to if you can't or don't want to.



Hello everyone, I have studied this ticket. When you throw a car out of the event zone, it ceases to be the object of the event, and accordingly the marker on it ceases to exist, and a new car appears in the event zone instead. If the car that was needed for the plane to arrive was thrown out of the event zone, then another car will appear instead of it and the necessary one will be randomly selected from the list of remaining cars. In fact, I do not understand what your problem is, and what you want to say, what happened to you, about what you are asking for help. You say that you threw away the car and the marker disappeared, but this is normal behavior, judging by what I described above. Definitely need a video that will depict what you want to talk about



@KpucTaJlThe problem wasn't that there did not appear another car instead. I have no idea if that happened cause the problem was there was no new marker on another car so I had no markers left and did not know what to do.

Of course if I might just have wrecked all other cars I might have found the one that appeared for the one that fell over the fence but I did not know cause their was no marker.

I really have to critizise your approach of always wanting video material for all bugs found.

You are the only one who does that so vehemently.

I never report bugs I don't have just to annoy developers. Just not my thing.

But I also don't have time to test your plugins on and on until a bug occurs again and makes tons of videos until I found the one I can use.

I have a life and I don't see this as my task to test things around your plugins. This is yours.

I only have to use it cause I bought it. That's it.

Imagine bringing a car into a garage and the mechanic tells you to check it on your own...



@KpucTaJlThe problem wasn't that there did not appear another car instead. I have no idea if that happened cause the problem was there was no new marker on another car so I had no markers left and did not know what to do.

Of course if I might just have wrecked all other cars I might have found the one that appeared for the one that fell over the fence but I did not know cause their was no marker.

I really have to critizise your approach of always wanting video material for all bugs found.

You are the only one who does that so vehemently.

I never report bugs I don't have just to annoy developers. Just not my thing.

But I also don't have time to test your plugins on and on until a bug occurs again and makes tons of videos until I found the one I can use.

I have a life and I don't see this as my task to test things around your plugins. This is yours.

I only have to use it cause I bought it. That's it.

Imagine bringing a car into a garage and the mechanic tells you to check it on your own...


Another thing that makes me not do any videos for you guys anymore is that in the past those did not make any difference cause we were still arguing about the same stuff on and on.

Believe me or not what I am reporting but I won't always show videos as proof.

That's all I have to say about that.

Good day.



If I had such a problem or someone else from the clients, then I would not ask you for a video of how you get it. And if I can't get your problem, then I can't fix it, the logic is simple. Therefore, I need to clearly understand all your actions in order to repeat it at home, but it will not be possible to do it, because you may miss something and then the time I spent on the test will be lost again. The fastest and most effective method of solving such problems is video. You can record a video and spend an hour on it, or use a chat and try to understand the problem for several days. You say that you don't have time for this, but we have already opened this ticket for several days and you have already spent a lot of time, although you could have done everything in one day



I usually prefer to solve problems rather than discuss these. What are such approaches made of



I don't need the videos as proof. You don't need to prove to me that you have some kind of problem, I'm not asking for it. I need the video to see for myself what's going on and how you got it. It is important for me to see your actions in this video to understand how it happened



Hello everyone, as far as I understand the problem was solved if there was no answer for so long. If you have any additional questions, you can create a ticket in Discord Mad Mappers (https://discord.gg/w6ayNfDGAk)



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