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Getting errors on init

Closed 1.0.6


Getting these errors, using carbon

> c.reload TeamFix
Failed to call internal hook 'Unload' on plugin 'TeamFix v1.0.6'
Unloaded plugin TeamFix v1.0.6 by Khan
Failed to call internal hook 'Init' on plugin 'TeamFix v1.0.6'
Loaded plugin TeamFix v1.0.6 by Khan [70ms]
Failed to call internal hook 'OnServerInitialized' on plugin 'TeamFix v1.0.6'

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Thank you for using one of my works,
sadly I don't support carbon in any of my works, only oxide.

This is because it is too much hassle to make special patches/versions for & they promised backwards compatibility. ( us small time dev's made no such promise.. )

Edited by Khan
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yeah I hear you, but there is a lot of stuff they do for free though. You use their platform to sell your plugins. Their platform is much nicer than umod and umod ONLY ALLOW free plugins....


so these guys work for free so you can sell your stuff AND they promise to improve stuff...maybe it's time to be helpful and stop biting the hand that feeds you, don't you think??

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1. No they do not work for free. They are paid developers sponsored by code-fling.

2. Codefling takes like 12% percent of everything sold on codeling to fund projects such as Carbon.

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yeah I'm 12% pays the bills man (being sarcastic)...how many Rust server are there...anyway I get your stand. its just painful for your users... and I feel carbon is better but still not there yet..

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