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Spawning in Loot

Closed 1.1.3


In config I have,

"Allow the spawn of modules in the crates? [true/false]": false,

Yet it's stioll spawning in the loot table.

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Over the last 2 days of bashing my head against it I've mostly figured it out. (Custom Modules)
I just now have to figure out a way to correlate prefabs lootables in game to code, so I know what percentages to give each prefab.

IE, the boxes on the raod, the mili crates at dome, the elite crates at launch and brad etc. Not being a dev / coder I'm not fluent with this (but slowly becoming...)

If you can attach something HALPful in regard to this I would appreciate it. All I've seen in the code I think is 1 type of crate with I think it was a 2 or 5% chance of dropping 1 of the modules. So the drop rate is very terrible.

Thanks in advance @Adem

Feel free to @ / dm me in discord or throw me in a ticket if you want. I'm on MadMappers, CF, and Chaos discords

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You can add as many crates as you want to the list. If you need help with this, write to me in discord Adem#9554

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