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Request: Max active bosses

Closed 2.0.9

Fusion 3.64
Fusion 3.64


Just an option in the config that will determine how many bosses will be active on the map at once.
Possibly an option to set how many are active per monument as well so we can set multiple bosses to the same monument and not have them stack.

I'm not sure how to decide who will spawn next after one goes down to prevent repeats of the same boss.
Their min max respawn timers would play a part in it.

Maybe set them higher and lower for bosses to be less or more common?

I'm not sure if that would even work.
There's probably a cleaner option I'm just not thinking of.



There are commands to spawn a specific boss or even to kill a specific boss now @thepiercedweirdo. Those commands can be used with other plugins or however you would like to use them. There are a few plugins that will execute on a timer so this might be best for what you are looking for. You can set a timer to spawn and then kill a boss later then spawn a different one if you wish. To avoid repeating this is perfect you can alternate yourself in setup. New commands are in Description.

Fusion 3.64

Posted (edited)

So I could use TimedExecute to spawn them X at a time at x location etc.
Easy enough to do.
This is how I handle running all the monument event plugins to prevent them from overlapping.
Problem with the kill timer is if a player is in the middle or end of a fight.
That will lead to some really pissed off players.

Edited by thepiercedweirdo


Makes sense @thepiercedweirdo , only issue I see with that is that you can spawn them at certain intervals but will not be able to only have X number active at a time without killing them at some point. But I'll let you chew on that I'm sure you'll find something that works. Maybe use the plugin to issue a message to chat that says "Boss Name will die in X minutes" so that they have a warning and know not to waste any more ammo or meds or to hurry up and kill it ha.

Fusion 3.64


Fair enough. But I'm still seeing complications in this.

Mostly with players having to walk away from a fight. Or players not noticing the despawn alert. There comes a point where players get comfortable with the server and stop paying attention to the notifications. Or some just don't read them because it's "too much of a hassle". It sounds dumb. But this is Rust after all. I've been running servers coming up on 7 years, and the patterns are pretty solid.

Best case scenario with this setup would be having an option for a boss lifetime with a timer on the map marker similar to the raidable bases. Timer gets reset for X time when hit by a player. And setting "Minimum/Maximin time of appearance after death [sec.]": 0.0,



Can do a countdown and keep showing the message every minute as an example for the last few minutes. With that much experience @thepiercedweirdo I have faith that you would be able to communicate this to your player base or explain it or to set it up to warn them enough. Start the timer at 10 minutes and then maybe when you get to 30 seconds you add a chat command every 5 seconds. If the players don't see it, well that's kind of on them at that point. Just an idea, at some point the players need to pay attention, some things end when you don't want them to, sometimes you're on Oil Rig a bit late and it starts leaving the island and you just started hacking the crates, hey this is Rust!

Fusion 3.64

Posted (edited)

deleted for edit.

Edited by thepiercedweirdo
edit: double posted with intent to edit.
Fusion 3.64

Posted (edited)

I understood the whole process with that. Just "say x is leaving in x with whatever witty comment after" repeat x times until "KillBoss <name>".

It's more a matter of the current system,
The way I have TimedExecute running with server messages is I'm running BetterSay to alter the prefix, and color to bring attention to it. Which is perfect. Only thing is I only run it prior to server restart or if I am chatting through console. Adding in additional alerts with this set formatting isn't what I would call ideal.

Players see that come up in chat and it's just the admin talking or the server is restarting.

Blind eye.

If it could be a possibility, I can wait. I'm not looking for anything to happen a.s.a.p. Devs have lives and multiple projects going on at the same time.

And if there's no chance of any changes to help with this. I get it. You can just say it. 🙂

I can do my best to figure something else out. Possibly find another plugin to handle things better or commission someone to make a new version of BetterSay or something similar with multiple formatting options.

Edited by thepiercedweirdo


I would say that TimedExecute is a very ideal format in my opinion, once set up initially if it works to your liking then you don't have to touch it for quite some time again and it will continue to do what it is scheduled to do. You also mentioned with BetterSay as with some other plugins these alerts can be made pretty noticeable which I like, agree on, and also find it worth it @thepiercedweirdo. Understand that my main reason for suggesting these things is so that you have an immediate answer to your question and thought.

I forward and organize all ideas for KpucTaJl and always have him look for himself at suggestions like this, and we communicate very well and try to organize all ideas. This is a human method so it has flaws things are missed forgotten or not able to be done sometimes. At some point he likes to spend time creating new things. Often though after making a large update to an existing plugin we get many suggestions again immediately after releasing it. I only say this in the developers defense and because he would never say it himself he is very proud and is a hard worker. This is just something to consider that I see as a third party and would like to voice as his lead and sole support. When I can see a solution that doesn't require more work and updates for an existing plugin, I like to suggest and work with those whenever possible so that he can go through his large library and to rotate through them, while also finding time to work on new projects as well. All ideas are shared and considered but some may take months to come back around and get worked on. I only want to make sure you have options now as this plugin was updated recently and it will be at least a little while before it will be given new features again.

I do appreciate your understanding. That final decision is with KpucTaJl anyway I can only speak for him to such an extent and I will allow him to speak for himself as a final decision.

I hope that's a more thorough answer to your question. I've recently considered and will have a better method in his and my communication gathering and sharing of community requests and ideas as well as our internal plans and ideas so this will help to make sure ideas do not slip through the cracks. It is not to say that every idea that we hear will get approved eventually, but all will be considered and any that are able and make sense to myself the developer and with the whole community in mind, then I am sure it is just a matter of time.



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