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new update failure

Closed 2.5.2


Error while compiling NpcSpawn: 'NpcSpawn.CustomScientistNpc.OverrideCorpseName()': cannot change access modifiers when overriding 'public' inherited member 'ScientistNPC.OverrideCorpseName()' | Line: 506, Pos: 39

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New error since last update:

Error while compiling: NpcSpawn.cs(1605,71): error CS1503: Argument `#1' cannot convert `NetworkableId' expression to type `uint'


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There is a new update out today @Watcher for the Facepunch update.

It is usually best to open a separate support request @Notz so there is no confusion. However same information, there is an update out today that solves this.


Some are having issues downloading the recent version but if you are it is a browser issue, try another browser if you have this issue.


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Good evening, when downloading the update they download version 2.5.1 instead of 2.5.3 so the downloadable file is not the right one


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I stated already that it is a browser issue and you should try another browser if you are having this problem @Equinoreve.

The developer and I (and others) have confirmed this already multiple times, there is no error unless it is a browser error.

I am not sure how to fix it as I am not sure what would cause that but most of us are all getting the proper version without any issue.

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Thank you for confirming and glad it worked @Equinoreve I don't want to make any claims but it does seem to be that Chrome is the main culprit at the moment. I use Firefox myself and I have had no issues at all.

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Every time I download the plugin it gives me the 2.5.1 version instead of the 2.5.3 version. I tried using multiple browsers including firefox and all of them had the same result

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Error while compiling: NpcSpawn.cs(1605,71): error CS1503: Argument `#1' cannot convert `NetworkableId' expression to type `uint'

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