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Where do I get a list of images to use or a custom image?

Closed 1.0.7



I don't really understand due to lack of documentation on where to get these images to use? I've looked at the ImageLibrary data file, and I'm using the image name like you said in the last support ticket, but its still showing a blank white square.

Also, How do I add custom images? Say I have an image hosted on Imgur.com and I want to use that? Does this plugin take into account the alpha transparency of the image or can I set this somehow sort of how Vanish or GodModIndicator allows you to use a white image/icon and then change the image color and transparency using normalized RGB valus?

The documentation is still out of date as well, as the plugin isn't using image id's but names, so that needs to be updated to avoid confusion. Other then that I'm able to at least display the message.

Also side note, if I don't want a sub-text, I have to set it to a string containing nothing but a space. Theres no way to just set it to null and it not appear. Is there a way you can add it so if the sub-text field is set to null that it just doesn't display the sub text?



I recommend referring to the demo to see how it is done.



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