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[Request] Add ability to give a list of permissions during raid time

Closed 1.3.3 1.3.4


So, for some reason I thought that this feature was already added but I guess not. Here's my situation.

I want to be able to allow my players during raid time access to a "Purge Day" kit. This kit is locked behind the "kits.purge" permission. Also during this time I want to enable everybody that logs in to have no durability to items as well. Again, during raid time only. So if there was a way to add a permissions section that gives everyone permissions during raid time, and then whenever its not raid time remove those permissions that would be awesome.

Again this would be done on a player by player basis. If you wanted to go above and beyond, maybe add a groups function as well. So if its raid time then a player when they log in is assigned a group (which would have all the permissions) and when its not raid time, it ensures that that group is removed from a player when they log in.

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