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Starting without fuel

Closed 2.2.2 2.3.8

Fusion 3.64
Fusion 3.64


If a pump jack or quarry has a value less than 1 for fuel consumption amount per tick it will start without fuel.
They will eventually stop once the value of the fuel has been consumed.
Setting it to 1.0 will correct this.

Generally it wouldn't be a concern. But they are actually gathering resources.

I would set the consumption amount to 1 if I wasn't using diesel.

Also this error will occasionally repeat in console every other reload.

Exception while calling NextTick callback (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object)
  at Oxide.Plugins.VirtualQuarries+VirtualQuarry.SetupQuarry () [0x000f5] in <d69ff2dcc6b549a2a4c18054531b0ad0>:0 
  at Oxide.Plugins.VirtualQuarries+<OnServerInitialized>c__AnonStorey1.<>m__0 () [0x00000] in <d69ff2dcc6b549a2a4c18054531b0ad0>:0 
  at Oxide.Core.OxideMod.OnFrame (System.Single delta) [0x00051] in <d5f57e12edfe4fa0b5c5dbdd9b51eff8>:0




Hey. You mean the default quarries, not static ones? Didn't tested that to be hones.

Will check, and if bugged - will release an hotfix tommorow.

Fusion 3.64


Correct. The deployable. Not the static.

Static are working fine. I haven't activated those in the config.



Hey! You can check if the issue has been fixed. Sorry for waiting so long. A lot of things to do right now 😞

Fusion 3.64


All good. I understand that life is a thing 🙂 

I'm on a bug hunt today so I'll hop on the test and check this out as well.

Fusion 3.64


So sorry. Really late on the reply here. Been living the chaos lately and as always down to the last minute.

I'm running "Amount": 0.4615, for the fuel per tick on the diesel. One barrels runs for 170 seconds in vanilla rust from my "research".
It won't start unless you have 2 barrels in the fuel container and it won't consume the last barrel.
On a modded server it's not a huge issue. But players will bitch. This is rust.

Aside from that, the starting without fuel is no longer an issue.

Fusion 3.64


Also running 2 will not produce any resources. I'm guessing it doesn't register the first tick since the second barrel doesn't start?

Fusion 3.64


Another finding is the pump jack will consume 2 barrels right away on start.

Fusion 3.64


@ThePitereqOkay. So there's another bug.

I tried dropping the vanilla rate altogether and just setting the consumption of diesel barrels to 1 per tick.

1 barrel will just consume and give nothing

2 will consume the first, leave the last and you still get nothing.

3 barrels will consume all, but you only receive resources for 1 tick.

4 barrels consume all and you only get resources for 2 ticks.

I didn't bother going beyond this because I assume it's just going to repeat itself.



Does it still happen?
Made some changes with fuel usage and now it should calculate everything correctly.

Fusion 3.64


Sorry. Just seeing this now. i'll hop on my test and give it a go.

Fusion 3.64


It looks like the tick rate isn't applying properly.
It may be because the resources are gathering before the minute is completed?
But if you run 1 barrel. It's fine.
2 barrels and you get resources = to 3.
3 = 5.
4 = 7 etc.
This applies to both the quarry and pump jack.

Fuel consumption is 1 barrel per tick and resources per tick are = to what a barrel gathers on average in vanilla, give or take.



Hmm, then something is still not right.
Can you post here your config?
It will be easier for me if i'll have exact configuration as you have.

Fusion 3.64


Very possible I have something wrong in there.

But I think it looks right.

I may have the static configs messed up. Not sure if it's this file or the one before I wiped and redid everything.

But I never activated those anyway.




Hey! As i made few calculation changes it should now work 95% fine 😄

Fusion 3.64


Nice. I'll give it a go tomorrow. Thank you.



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