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vip doesn't accept x.5 x.2 only 1.0 2.0 3.0

Not a Bug 2.2.73




  "groupsettings": {
    "groupmultipliers": {
      "default": 1.0,
      "vip": 1.5
  "multipliers": {
    "40mm_grenade_buckshot": 1,
    "40mm_grenade_he": 1,
    "assaultrifle": 1,
    "axe_salvaged": 1,
    "beancangrenade": 1,
    "boltactionrifle": 1,
    "boneclub": 1.5,
    "boneknife": 1.5,
    "butcherknife": 1,
    "candycaneclub": 1.5,
    "chainsaw": 1,
    "combatknife": 1,
    "compoundbow": 1.25,
    "crossbow": 1.25,
    "customsmg": 1,
    "distance_100": 2,
    "distance_200": 2.5,
    "distance_300": 3,
    "distance_400": 3.5,
    "distance_50": 1.5,
    "doublebarrelshotgun": 1,
    "dynamicdistance": 0.01,
    "eokapistol": 1.25,
    "f1grenade": 1,
    "flamethrower": 1,
    "flashlight": 1,
    "hammer_salvaged": 1,
    "handmadefishingrod": 2,
    "happyhourmultiplier": 2,
    "hatchet": 1,
    "huntingbow": 1.5,
    "icepick_salvaged": 1,
    "jackhammer": 1,
    "l96rifle": 1,
    "longsword": 1.5,
    "lr300": 1,
    "m249": 1,
    "m39": 1,
    "m92pistol": 1,
    "mace": 1.5,
    "machete": 1.5,
    "mp5a4": 1,
    "multiplegrenadelauncher": 1,
    "nailgun": 1.25,
    "pickaxe": 1,
    "pitchfork": 1,
    "pumpshotgun": 1,
    "pythonrevolver": 1,
    "revolver": 1,
    "rock": 1,
    "rocket": 1,
    "rocketlauncher": 1,
    "salvagedcleaver": 1,
    "salvagedsword": 1.5,
    "satchelcharge": 1,
    "semiautomaticpistol": 1,
    "semiautomaticrifle": 1,
    "sickle": 1,
    "snowball": 2,
    "spas12shotgun": 1,
    "stone_pickaxe": 1,
    "stonehatchet": 1,
    "stonespear": 1.25,
    "thompson": 1,
    "timedexplosivecharge": 1,
    "torch": 1,
    "vipmultiplier": 2,
    "waterpipeshotgun": 1,
    "woodenspear": 1.75
  "rates": {
    "activityreward": 15,
    "autoturret": 10,
    "balloon": 3,
    "bandit_guard": 0,
    "barrel": 2,
    "bear": 7,
    "berry": 0,
    "boar": 3,
    "boat": 1,
    "bones": 1,
    "bradley": 50,
    "cactus": 1,
    "chicken": 1,
    "chinook": 50,
    "corn": 0,
    "crate": 2,
    "foodbox": 0,
    "giftbox": 1,
    "heavyscientist": 8,
    "helicopter": 75,
    "hemp": 1,
    "horse": 2,
    "minecart": 2,
    "minicopter": 75,
    "murderer": 6,
    "mushrooms": 0,
    "npckill": 8,
    "ore": 2,
    "player": 10,
    "potato": 1,
    "pumpkin": 1,
    "rhib": 1,
    "ridablehorse": 2,
    "sam": 5,
    "scarecrow": 8,
    "scientist": 10,
    "scientist_peacekeeper": 1,
    "scrapcopter": 75,
    "stag": 2,
    "stones": 1,
    "suicide": -50,
    "sulfur": 1,
    "supplycrate": 5,
    "trap": 2,
    "welcomemoney": 50,
    "wolf": 8,
    "wood": 1
  "settings": {
    "ActivityReward_Enabled": "true",
    "ActivityReward_Minutes": 30,
    "DistanceMultiplier_Enabled": "true",
    "Do_Advanced_VIP": "false",
    "DoLogging": "true",
    "DynamicDistanceMultiplier_Enabled": "false",
    "GUI Announcment Banner Colour": "Blue",
    "GUI Announcment Text Colour": "Yellow",
    "HappyHour_BeginHour": 17,
    "HappyHour_Enabled": "true",
    "HappyHour_EndHour": 21,
    "HarvestReward_Enabled": "true",
    "KillReward_Enabled": "true",
    "Mid String": "</color><color=#FFFFFF>",
    "NPCReward_Enabled": "true",
    "OpenReward_Enabled": "true",
    "Permissions_Enabled": "false",
    "PickupReward_Enabled": "true",
    "Player Default Settings": "hkopa",
    "Player_Kill_Reward_Timeout": 0,
    "Post String": "</color>",
    "Pre String": "<color=#CCBB00>",
    "PrintInConsole": "false",
    "ShowcurrencySymbol": "true",
    "Simpler_ActivityReward_Enabled": "true",
    "TakeMoneyfromVictim": "false",
    "UseClansPlugin": "true",
    "UseEconomicsPlugin": "false",
    "UseFriendsPlugin": "true",
    "UseGUIAnnouncementsForRewards": "false",
    "UseGUIAnnouncementsPlugin": "false",
    "UseScrap": "false",
    "UseServerRewardsPlugin": "true",
    "UseZoneManagerPlugin": "true",
    "VIPMultiplier_Enabled": "true",
    "WeaponMultiplier_Enabled": "true",
    "WelcomeMoney_Enabled": "true"


permission granted to vip group:


o.grant group vip rustrewards.vip
o.grant group vip rustrewards.harvest
o.grant group vip rustrewards.kill
o.grant group vip rustrewards.open
o.grant group vip rustrewards.pickup
o.grant group vip rustrewards.activity
o.grant group vip rustrewards.welcome


log rustrewards:


[03/14/2021 07:42:44] Tanki 21-10-2020 😢 ( 76561197984580089 / MYIPINTERNET )  got $1.00 for stones (tested with default group)
[03/14/2021 07:43:14] Tanki 21-10-2020 😢 ( 76561197984580089 / MYIPINTERNET  )  got $1.00 for stones (tested with vip group)


where i'm wrong please? Thanks

edit: ok found the bug, he don't accept a float number like x.5... with 2.0 it work fine thanks

Edited by Tanki
he don't accept a float number like x.5
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  • Moderator

this needs to be true:    "Do_Advanced_VIP": "false",

  "Do_Advanced_VIP": "true",

That supports using oxide groups.  rustrewards.vip  just uses the fixed value, not the multiplier at the top are not used, just this one:

    "vipmultiplier": 2,

Multipliers do not need to be int, they can be a decimal number.  Add a leading zero if it is less than 1, ie:  0.75  But less than 1.0 for VIP gives them less, not more.

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