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Request: Informational chat notification

Closed 1.1.3

Fusion 3.64
Fusion 3.64


Would it be possible to add in a notification for the first looting of an item each dat explaining what to do?
Kinda like how ST and DeathEffects will give you a notification each day with the chat command and a brief summary.
I put the information in UniveralUI.
But not everyone reads it.
Having a chat popup would be helpful so there's not as many "WTF does this do?"'s in chat.
I know that not everyone will read those either.
But it can't hurt.

I'm not even sure if it's possible to trigger a notification on loot of a special item based on it's skin.
But that would be a great plugin in itself if possible.
I would buy that.

But yeah. If you can add that to this plugin, or make an additional plugin that does this.
I'm all for it.

If it's a separate plugin, i think the setup would be:
The chat response.
A list of skins.
And the option or respond each time looted or once per login.
And just repeat that for each chat response.
Or maybe put the response per as a single entry at the top.
Not sure which makes the most sense.
And of course you can add native support for your plugins 🙂



I can add the support in directly for EpicLoot, as EpicLoot isn't item skin based (it's name based). Will put it in for the next release.

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Fusion 3.64


That's right. Forgot they can be reskinned. I'm so use to the world of special items being tied to skins.
Thank you for doing this.

Looping back, is that plugin concept even possible?
I'm not sure how many people would be into it, but if the general public isn't interested in it I'd be up for a private custom (if it's even possible) if you have the time.
I know between life and keeping up with the plugin maintenance/requests time is thin.



Yeah it would be possible. A plugin that watches for containers being looted for the first time, a dictionary with skin IDs as the key, descriptions as the values. Scan the items in the box when it is open, check to see if the item skin id exists in the dictionary and if the player has been notified about that particular skin. Could also add UINotify support as well. I don't know what the market appeal would be though.

Fusion 3.64


It would be helpful for servers that have a high content of custom items.

It would be along the lines of smart chat bot.
Just making the move before the player can say anything.
At least that's how I view it.
And you wouldn't need to fuss with the keywords and percentage to make sure the player hits one of them.

Thinking about it more, using something like UINotify or a similar plugin would be more logical since chat isn't really be visible during the looting process.
Maybe even using the native blue popup notification would work.
As long as they haven't disabled it that is.
That can be activated per player can't it?



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