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CustomLoot oil_barrel test

Closed 1.0.4


CustomLoot does not seem to take into account config. Trying to get started, so picked up oil_barrel as an example...

Edit oxide\config\CustomLoot.json:

    "oil_barrel": {
      "enabled": true,
      "lootTable": "oil_barrel",
      "maxItems": 6,
      "minItems": 6,
      "gunsWithAmmo": false,
      "noGuns": false,
      "MaxBps": 3,
      "MinWeaponCondition": 50,
      "MaxWeaponCondition": 50,
      "ClearContainerFirst": true

Tried also "ClearContainerFirst": false (I would expect that I would have normal loot + what is in CustomLoot in this case)...

Moreover edit oxide\data\CustomLoot\oil_barrel.json (which was auto created)

  "AlwaysSpawnList": [

+ Removed from BlackList

To check if I'll get a jackhammer...


in server console: oxide.reload CustomLoot

Unloaded plugin CustomLoot v1.0.4 by Steenamaroo

Loaded plugin CustomLoot v1.0.4 by Steenamaroo

Calling 'OnServerInitialized' on 'CustomLoot v1.0.4' took 348ms

[CustomLoot] Finished populating all containers.

In game, break an oil_barrel (red one with usually crude+oil)... I get the default spawn (crude+oil).

Tried spawning a new oil_barrel too.


I'm probably doing something stupid somewhere...

Thanks in advance for your help...

Edited by Bowabos
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Apologies, please close the ticket.


Possibly formalising the question helped me.

I tried instead to put some probabilities to 100% and managed to get what I want.

Not sure how I would use the AlwaysSpawnList but I don't need it so don't waste time on this...

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  • Administrator

Glad you got sorted.
Worth pointing out, though, that probabilities aren't percentages. It's a two-tier relative system.

For each spawned item a category is chosen first, based on your category probabilities,
then once a category is picked one item from that category is chosen using the item probabilities.


For a simple example, if there were 10 categories and you set their probabilities all to 10 except for one, which you set to 1,
then there's a 1 in 91 chance of the rare category being picked.


I generally recommend people set all item and category probabilities to some sensible middle-ground number, like 10,
then adjust certain categories and items up/down around that to taste.


Always spawn list is there so you can guarantee some item without messing up probabilities for the other items in its category.

A lot of people want scrap to always spawn along side randomised loot, for example.


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OK I think I may have got it.

If my container has "maxItems": 6, "minItems": 6, it will do 6 draws of 1/91 for the rare category, and select Items based on their probability in this category (calculated in the same way... 4/4+5+5 if there was 3 items with probability of 4, 5 and 5).

However if "maxItems": 6, "minItems": 4, how the number of draw get decided? is it based on the number of items for the category selected?

i.e. in Food, if apple get selected, which has "maxStack":2 and "minStack": 1, if 2 get picked, I have only 4 slot left, when number of slot >= minItems, no more draw?

I'll log another ticket for water bottle (so others can find your answer if they search later)...

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1 hour ago, Bowabos said:

CustomLoot does not seem to take into account config. Trying to get started, so picked up oil_barrel as an example...

Edit oxide\config\CustomLoot.json:

    "oil_barrel": {
      "enabled": true,
      "lootTable": "oil_barrel",
      "maxItems": 6,
      "minItems": 6,
      "gunsWithAmmo": false,
      "noGuns": false,
      "MaxBps": 3,
      "MinWeaponCondition": 50,
      "MaxWeaponCondition": 50,
      "ClearContainerFirst": true

Tried also "ClearContainerFirst": false (I would expect that I would have normal loot + what is in CustomLoot in this case)...

Moreover edit oxide\data\CustomLoot\oil_barrel.json (which was auto created)

  "AlwaysSpawnList": [

+ Removed from BlackList

To check if I'll get a jackhammer...


in server console: oxide.reload CustomLoot

Unloaded plugin CustomLoot v1.0.4 by Steenamaroo

Loaded plugin CustomLoot v1.0.4 by Steenamaroo

Calling 'OnServerInitialized' on 'CustomLoot v1.0.4' took 348ms

[CustomLoot] Finished populating all containers.

In game, break an oil_barrel (red one with usually crude+oil)... I get the default spawn (crude+oil).

Tried spawning a new oil_barrel too.


I'm probably doing something stupid somewhere...

Thanks in advance for your help...

Removed reply in wrong thread

Edited by pookins
as above
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  • Administrator

Max/Min items is a random number from the range you specify - It dictates how many items should be in a container.

Max/min stack is a random number from the range you specify and dictates how much of an item you should get - No point getting 1 wood, for example.


Neither of these affects probability.

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