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unable to join server Version 1.1.0

Closed 1.1.0 1.1.1


quick question, have you added any prefabs to the map cause theres atleast 2 i cant find and one i have never used causing a issue, so that leads me to believe its a facepunch monument or you added something cause i cant find it anywhere, the pumpkins and star i can find

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ok i fixed the only prefabs i could find that was in those errors, and theres a new version out, hopefully it fixes it, but the other prefabs are specific too facepunch prefabs cause i havent used them. so that may take a more creative fix. i definetly have never used the water pump prefab ever so not sure why thats showing up

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i update for the last version with some of the problem items removed, still trying to figure out whats causing it

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and with this being the only map thats having issues atm its something specific to it, i'll grind away some more and see if i can find exactly what is the cause and get a new update up after testing it

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