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Might be broken after furnace update

Closed 2.0.4 2.0.5


I've been letting players recycle their HQM and metal frags down to scrap which they can then sell for RP. There's always plenty of both as I have quarries and pumpjacks active. As RP carries over from wipe to wipe on my servers, canny players have been throwing everything into the recycler just before wipe, so the idea of being able to get scrap from the recyclers is quite popular. (I also use Offline Raid Protection which uses scrap.)

So last night, someone told me the recyclers weren't working with HQM and frags any more. I've tested this afternoon and it seems the recyclers turn on with either item inside and then just run and run with no output. Would you have a look please?

Here's the relevant part of the config I've been using.


    "metal.refined": {
      "Give Default Output": true,
      "Custom Output Items": [
          "Item Shortname": "metal.fragments",
          "Item Chance (0-100)": 100.0,
          "Minimum Item Amount": 4,
          "Maximum Item Amount": 5,
          "Item Skin": 0,
          "Item Display Name": ""
    "metal.fragments": {
      "Give Default Output": true,
      "Custom Output Items": [
          "Item Shortname": "scrap",
          "Item Chance (0-100)": 2.0,
          "Minimum Item Amount": 0,
          "Maximum Item Amount": 2,
          "Item Skin": 0,
          "Item Display Name": ""


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Hey! Check if problem appears in older version (2.0.3)
New version uses new hook that somehow doesnt work for everyone. Need to check it in free time it if will happen to you also.

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Yep. I can confirm that the previous version works, but the current one doesn't. Thanks for that and making me look good to my players. 😉🙂

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