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BotSpawn Freezing server

Pending 2.1.1



The plugin for some reason is freezing the server. I'm testing botspawn at airfield and within a few moments after spawn or bots getting killed, the server just freezes. 
now, I have a bunch of plugins that are installed, all of which are updated and none of them alters or controls NPC behavior/spawning.

Linux and Windows were my test platforms.

The server console just freezes and times out. I haven't even been able to get an error log because it doesn't generate one..

I've adjusted the default profile multiple times to try to see if any of the settings is what's causing it.

Even default causes it.

List of plugins that I use.


This is my server CFG

ai.ocean_patrol_path_iterations 100000.0
boar.population 5
bradley.respawndelayminutes 60
decay.scale 1.0
decay.upkeep_heal_scale 1.0
wolf.population 2
motorrowboat.population 4
antihack.projectile_protection 5
antihack.debuglevel 1
server.level "Procedural Map"
server.levelurl ""
ai.frametime 5
pool.debug False
ai.sensetime 1
ai.tickrate 10
ai.nav_carve_height 2
ai.nav_carve_min_base_size 2
ai.nav_carve_min_building_blocks_to_apply_optimization 25
ai.npc_speed_sprint 1.0
decay.upkeep True
ai.nav_carve_size_multiplier 4
ai.npc_alertness_drain_rate 0.01
ai.npc_alertness_to_aim_modifier 0.5
ai.npc_alertness_zero_detection_mod 0.5
ai.npc_cover_compromised_cooldown 10
ai.npc_cover_info_tick_rate_multiplier 20
ai.npc_cover_path_vs_straight_dist_max_diff 2
ai.npc_deliberate_hit_randomizer 0.85
ai.npc_deliberate_miss_offset_multiplier 1.25
ai.npc_deliberate_miss_to_hit_alignment_time 1.5
ai.npc_door_trigger_size 1.5
ai.npc_gun_noise_silencer_modifier 0.15
ai.npc_htn_player_base_damage_modifier 1.15
ai.npc_htn_player_frustration_threshold 3
ai.npc_junkpile_a_spawn_chance 0.1
ai.npc_junkpile_dist_aggro_gate 8
ai.npc_max_junkpile_count 30
ai.npc_max_population_military_tunnels 3
server.cycletime 500
ai.move True
ai.npc_max_roam_multiplier 3
ai.npc_patrol_point_cooldown 5
ai.npc_reasoning_system_tick_rate_multiplier 1
ai.npc_respawn_delay_max_military_tunnels 1920
ai.npc_respawn_delay_min_military_tunnels 480
ai.npc_sensory_system_tick_rate_multiplier 5
ai.npc_spawn_per_tick_max_military_tunnels 1
ai.npc_spawn_per_tick_min_military_tunnels 1
ai.npc_speed_crouch_run 0.25
ai.npc_speed_crouch_walk 0.1
ai.npc_speed_run 0.4
ai.npc_speed_walk 0.18
ai.npc_valid_aim_cone 0.8
ai.npc_valid_mounted_aim_cone 0.92
aimanager.ai_dormant_max_wakeup_per_tick 30
aimanager.ai_htn_animal_tick_budget 4
aimanager.ai_htn_player_junkpile_tick_budget 4
aimanager.ai_htn_player_tick_budget 4
aimanager.ai_to_player_distance_wakeup_range 160
aimanager.pathfindingiterationsperframe 100
aimanager.nav_obstacles_carve_state 2
antihack.flyhack_extrusion 2
antihack.eye_forgiveness 0.5
antihack.eye_clientframes 2
antihack.eye_penalty 0
antihack.flyhack_stepsize 0.1
antihack.flyhack_penalty 100
antihack.flyhack_forgiveness_vertical 1.5
antihack.maxdesync 1
antihack.maxviolation 100
antihack.melee_penalty 0
antihack.melee_serverframes 2
antihack.melee_clientframes 2
antihack.noclip_penalty 0
antihack.noclip_stepsize 0.1
antihack.projectile_forgiveness 0.5
antihack.projectile_penalty 0
antihack.projectile_clientframes 2
antihack.relaxationpause 10
antihack.relaxationrate 0.1
antihack.speedhack_forgiveness 2
antihack.speedhack_penalty 0
antihack.flyhack_margin 0.05
antihack.noclip_backtracking 0.01
antihack.noclip_margin 0.09
antihack.projectile_trajectory_vertical 1
antihack.reporting True
aithinkmanager.framebudgetms 2.5
baseboat.generate_paths True
batching.collider_capacity 30000
batching.collider_submeshes 1
batching.collider_threading True
batching.collider_vertices 1
batching.verbose 1
bigwheelgame.spinfrequencyseconds 45
bradley.enabled True
bradley.respawndelayvariance 1
cargoship.egress_duration_minutes 10
cargoship.event_duration_minutes 50
server.dropitems True
cargoship.loot_round_spacing_minutes 10
cargoship.loot_rounds 3
clothlod.clothloddist 20
coverpointvolume.cover_point_sample_step_height 0
coverpointvolume.cover_point_sample_step_size 0
debug.callbacks False
debug.checktriggers False
decay.bracket_0_blockcount 15
decay.bracket_0_costfraction 0.1
decay.bracket_1_blockcount 50
decay.bracket_1_costfraction 0.15
decay.bracket_2_blockcount 125
decay.bracket_2_costfraction 0.2
decay.bracket_3_blockcount 200
decay.bracket_3_costfraction 0.333
decay.delay_metal 0
decay.delay_override 0
decay.delay_stone 0
decay.delay_toptier 0
decay.delay_twig 0
decay.delay_wood 0
decay.duration_metal 8
decay.duration_override 0
decay.duration_stone 5
decay.duration_toptier 12
decay.duration_twig 1
decay.duration_wood 3
decay.outside_test_range 50
server.corpses True
construct.frameminutes 30
chicken.population 3
decay.upkeep_grief_protection 1440
decay.upkeep_inside_decay_scale 0.1
decay.upkeep_period_minutes 1440
env.progresstime True
hackablelockedcrate.decayseconds 7200
debug.log True
halloween.scarecrow_beancan_vs_player_dmg_modifier 0.1
halloween.scarecrow_body_dmg_modifier 0.25
halloween.scarecrow_chase_stopping_distance 0.5
halloween.scarecrow_throw_beancan_global_delay 8
hotairballoon.serviceceiling 200
ioentity.backtracking 8
ioentity.responsetime 0.1
minicopter.outsidedecayminutes 240
motorrowboat.outsidedecayminutes 180
npcautoturret.sleeperhostiledelay 1200
physics.bouncethreshold 2
physics.droppedmode 2
physics.gravity 1
physics.minsteps 2
physics.sleepthreshold 0.005
physics.solveriterationcount 3
physics.steps 16
playerinventory.forcebirthday False
pool.enabled True
relationshipmanager.maxteamsize 8
santasleigh.altitudeaboveterrain 50
santasleigh.desiredaltitude 60
server.authtimeout 60
server.combatlogdelay 10
server.corpsedespawn 300
halloween.enabled False
pool.mode 2
samsite.alltarget False
heli.guns 1
halloween.murdererpopulation 0
halloween.scarecrowpopulation 0
horse.population 2
hotairballoon.population 1
rhib.rhibpopulation 1
server.arrowdamage 1
server.bleedingdamage 1
server.bulletdamage 1
server.combatlogsize 30
hotairballoon.outsidedecayminutes 180
samsite.staticrepairseconds 1200
server.encryption 2
server.entitybatchsize 100
server.entitybatchtime 1
server.idlekick 30
server.ipqueriespermin 30
server.maxcommandpacketsize 1000000
server.maxcommandspersecond 100
server.maxpacketsize 5000000
server.maxpacketspersecond 1500
server.maxreceivetime 20
server.maxrpcspersecond 200
server.maxtickspersecond 300
server.metabolismtick 1
server.playertimeout 60
server.queriespersecond 2000
server.schematime 1800
server.updatebatchspawn 1024
spawn.max_density 1.0
spawn.max_rate 1.0
spawn.min_density 0.5
spawn.min_rate 0.5
spawn.player_base 100
spawn.player_scale 2
spawn.respawn_groups True
spawn.respawn_individuals True
spawn.respawn_populations True
spawn.tick_individuals 300
stability.accuracy 0.001
stability.collapse 0.05
stability.stabilityqueue 9
stability.strikes 10
stability.surroundingsqueue 3
stability.verbose 0
server.events True
world.cache True
xmas.giftsperplayer 2
xmas.spawnattempts 5
xmas.spawnrange 40
spawn.tick_populations 60
ai.npc_junkpile_g_spawn_chance 0.1
ai.npc_spawn_on_cargo_ship True
ai.animal_ignore_food True
ai.ignoreplayers False
ai.think True
stag.population 3
zombie.population 0
server.idlekickadmins 0
server.itemdespawn 300
server.maxunack 4
server.meleedamage 1
server.netcachesize 0
server.planttickscale 1
server.respawnresetrange 50
time.fixeddelta 0.0625
time.maxdelta 0.5
time.pausewhileloading True
time.timescale 1.0
ai.nav_carve_use_building_optimization False
ai.npc_cover_use_path_distance True
ai.npc_enable True
ai.npc_families_no_hurt True
ai.npc_ignore_chairs True
ai.npc_only_hurt_active_target_in_safezone True
ai.npc_use_new_aim_system True
ai.npc_use_thrown_weapons True
aimanager.ai_dormant True
aimanager.ai_htn_use_agency_tick True
aimanager.nav_disable False
aimanager.nav_wait True
antihack.admincheat True
antihack.modelstate True
antihack.noclip_reject True
antihack.objectplacement True
antihack.speedhack_reject True
batching.colliders True
cargoship.event_enabled True
chat.enabled True
chat.serverlog True
craft.instant False
debug.disablecondition False
decay.debug False
halloween.scarecrows_throw_beancans True
net.visdebug False
physics.sendeffects False
rcon.print False
sentry.targetall False
server.compression False
server.globalchat True
server.netcache True
server.netlog False
server.official False
server.plantlightdetection True
server.pve False
server.radiation True
server.secure True
server.showholstereditems True
server.woundingenabled True
vis.attack False
vis.damage False
vis.hitboxes False
vis.lineofsight False
vis.protection False
vis.sense False
vis.triggers False
vis.weakspots False
xmas.enabled False
server.playerserverfall True
global.timewarning False
global.perf 0
gc.incremental_milliseconds 3
gc.incremental_enabled True
gc.enabled True
baseridableanimal.decayminutes 180
antihack.flyhack_reject False
antihack.projectile_serverframes 2
antihack.eye_serverframes 2
antihack.eye_protection 2
antihack.noclip_protection 3
antihack.flyhack_protection 3
antihack.flyhack_forgiveness_horizontal 1.5
antihack.noclip_maxsteps 15
antihack.melee_protection 3
antihack.melee_forgiveness 0.5
decay.tick 600
antihack.enforcementlevel 1
antihack.speedhack_protection 2
antihack.userlevel 2
heli.bulletaccuracy 2
heli.bulletdamagescale 1
heli.lifetimeminutes 15
bear.population 2
minicopter.population 1
ridablehorse.population 2
antihack.forceposition True
server.headerimage ""
server.arrowarmor 1
server.bleedingarmor 1
server.bulletarmor 1
server.entityrate 16
server.idlekickmode 1
server.meleearmor 1
server.planttick 60
server.savecachesize 2753207
server.saveinterval 600
server.updatebatch 512
server.stability True
antihack.maxdeltatime 1
antihack.flyhack_maxsteps 15
antihack.projectile_trajectory_horizontal 1
antihack.speedhack_slopespeed 10
vehicle.boat_corpse_seconds 300.0
ioentity.framebudgetms 1
server.seed 211117646
server.hostname ""
server.maxplayers 150
server.worldsize 3500
hackablelockedcrate.requiredhackseconds 300
sentry.hostileduration 120
server.debrisdespawn 30
fps.limit 150
server.stats False
server.tickrate 30
server.url ""
server.description ""



Any help would be appreciated 

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I can think what would cause a meltdown like that but that's a heck of a lot of convars you have set and a lot of them relate to AI.
I don't know what defaults would be for all those but I think I'd want to remove them all for testing.

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55 minutes ago, Steenamaroo said:


I can think what would cause a meltdown like that but that's a heck of a lot of convars you have set and a lot of them relate to AI.
I don't know what defaults would be for all those but I think I'd want to remove them all for testing.

Those are actually all the default values for ai from the server.cfg the only thing i've changed in there was the hackablelockedcrate.requiredhackseconds to 300 from 900


Edit:-- Turns out you were right. just having them in the CFG even default values broke the plugin to make it freeze...


now to my next mission, having removing the server.cfg without my host forcing it upon restart. 😄


Thank you.

Edited by Truth
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Happy to report what the EXACT issue is for this..


In server config, the following cvars :

coverpointvolume.cover_point_sample_step_height 2 <-- This was set to 0 my host thought the default of this command was zero

coverpointvolume.cover_point_sample_step_size 6 <-- This was set to 0 my host thought the default of this command was zero

If those are set to 0 in server.cfg the server will have the meltdown i kept having.. the fix is to change those values from 0 to their default which is 2 and 6 respectively. 

Edited by Truth
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