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Faction Not Responding To Other Faction

Pending 1.1.1


I have 2 factions, both with the same settings except one faction is FACTION: 0 / SUBFACTION: 0 and the other is FACTION: 1/ SUBFACTION: 1.  The first faction attacks the other faction, but the other faction doesn't fire back at them.  What gives?  Neither of them are peacekeepers, both attack noobs, both target zombie/human/other npcs... their profiles are exactly the same except for the kits.  The first faction has no kit (regular scientists), while the second has leather clothing and a double-barrel shotgun.

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  • Administrator

Are you sure about your settings?
It's set up that npcs with faction + subfaction 0 should not only ignore all other botrespawn npcs, but should also be ignored by all other botrespawn npcs.


Is there any possibility you're seeing overlap from some other profile..maybe one nearby or airdrop/biomes?

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What about making a custom profile the same "faction" as the players so the bots don't shoot the player or possible keep the bots from being shot by players?

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  • Administrator

I can add an Ignore_Players option, sure.

Would like to get to the bottom of your initial report, though. Can you tell me any more?

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I just made the first faction 3/3 and the other one 1/1 and that seemed to work.  I guess I don't full understand how that works, but I suppose if I make them whatever faction I want and keep the subfaction more than 0 and make the other profiles something else, it works.

As to your Ignore_Players (and other requests from customers) when will that be available?  It's been a couple of months since the last update.

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  • Administrator

I'll test over here and see if I can replicate what you described, although answers to my first reply would be super helpful, if you're able to find time.

I just added Ignore_Players right now, so it'll be in the next update.
It's got a handful of added suggestions/updates now.
I suppose I could push it any time really, although there's a few more things I might be able to add first.

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Oops.  I thought I did.  Lemme see if I can clarify.

I altered the faction and subfaction to each one.  You stated that any profile with a subfaction of 0 would ignore, so I changed both to be something other than each other and other than 0 and that worked.

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  • Administrator

Ok, thanks.
Your original scenario has a profile with faction and subfaction zero, and another profile was attacking them - That shouldn't be able to happen.
That's why I was asking if there was any possibility of a mixup, because profiles with 0+0 should ignore others, but also be ignored by all others.

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Hmm.  Well, one of the factions had a subfaction of 0 while the other one didn't.  Maybe that's why?  Other than that, I have no clue, as they were similar other than that.

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  • Administrator

Thinking about it, the settings/profiles at play don't even matter.
There should be no circumstance where one profile fires upon another, but doesn't see return fire.

I'll have a look soon and see if I can figure out what's wrong.

Presumably there's some issue with setting faction and subfaction both to zero so, at least, it's not going to affect what you wanted to achieve,
but I'll try to get it figured out quickly.

Thanks for the info!

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