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Tool cupboard using resources

Closed 1.0.75



Hi there,

I've been using NoDecay for over half a year now and have had no issues with it and have immediately updated whenever we've seen that there was a new version available. I have looked at a few other threads here but they don't seem to apply to this.

One of our players bought to our attention earlier that their tool cupboard was using resources. I've since checked it and for some reason since the beginning of the most recent update (we always wipe everything when an update is released) it appears that even though it was working correctly before the update and the config file hasn't been changed, that there is some kind of issue causing it to start using resources.

Any ideas if something changed with the most recent update that could be causing this? I've included the global section of the config below. If needed I can upload the whole config. Worth mentioning that the base isn't decaying when all resources have gone and that previously they couldn't store wood, stone, metal frags or high quality metal in the tool cupboard but now they can for some reason. I've had no reason to touch the plugin as its all been running fine.

Any help is greatly appreciated. 

  "Global": {
    "usePermission": true,
    "requireCupboard": true,
    "cupboardCheckEntity": false,
    "protectedDays": 0.0,
    "cupboardRange": 30.0,
    "useCupboardRange": false,
    "DestroyOnZero": true,
    "useJPipes": false,
    "blockCupboardResources": false,
    "blockCupboardWood": true,
    "blockCupboardStone": true,
    "blockCupboardMetal": true,
    "blockCupboardArmor": true,
    "disableWarning": true,
    "disableLootWarning": false,
    "protectVehicleOnLift": true,
    "protectedDisplayTime": 4400.0,
    "warningTime": 10.0




If resources matching any part of the building (as shown in the TC interface) are allowed to be added to the cupboard, then they will be used in the standard decay process.  The way this normally has worked, and I am not aware that it changed, is that this bypasses the plugin altogether, at least for that resource.

Since you seem to want to block all resources, please also set blockCupboardResources to true.  This may have changed as of the most recent update because of some discovered faulty logic in the plugin.

In short, if resources are in the TC when the decay.tick fires, we can't prevent the game from consuming those resources if they match any part of the building.

Also, make sure that you are using the version from this site because it is not compatible with plugins with the same name on other sites.



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