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RPC Error in move item

Not a Bug 2.7.0


Posted (edited)

Every time I reload Stack Modifier using latest update it says it fixes a stack size problem between these items. But for some reason it is thinking the         "ItemId": -1442496789, Item ID is the Stack size which it is not and saying it has fixed it. This is my config please tell me what the issue is. It doesn't make any sense. There are no invalid stack sizes for these items in the config. The Plugin things the "ItemId" section is the stack size which is incorrect for the plugin to do.

Any idea how I can fix this?? My config does not have any incorrext stack sizes yet I still get RPC error because the plugins thinks the "ItemID" section is the         "Modified": 1000000, modified section for some reason.

o.reload StackModifier
[Stack Modifier] Removed all patches related to StackModifier
Unloaded plugin Stack Modifier v2.7.0 by Khan
[Stack Modifier] Checking For Discrepancies With Game Items
[Stack Modifier] 16%
[Stack Modifier] All patches applied successfully.
[Stack Modifier] Finished updating industrial conveyors.
Loaded plugin Stack Modifier v2.7.0 by Khan
[Stack Modifier] 66%
[Stack Modifier] 100%
[Stack Modifier] Modifying Stacks
[Stack Modifier] Chair_1534542921_chair has an invalid stack-size '-1794967296' and has been restored to default value.
[Stack Modifier] Rocking Chair_-1863063690_rockingchair has an invalid stack-size '-1794967296' and has been restored to default value.
[Stack Modifier] Teal_1758333838_rockingchair.rockingchair2 has an invalid stack-size '-1794967296' and has been restored to default value.
[Stack Modifier] Green_192249897_rockingchair.rockingchair3 has an invalid stack-size '-1794967296' and has been restored to default value.
[Stack Modifier] Pinata_-1442496789_pinata has an invalid stack-size '-1794967296' and has been restored to default value.
[Stack Modifier] Twitch Rivals Desk_-243540612_twitchrivals2023desk has an invalid stack-size '-1794967296' and has been restored to default value.
[Stack Modifier] Medium Present_756517185_xmas.present.medium has an invalid stack-size '-1794967296' and has been restored to default value.
[Stack Modifier] All Stack Modifications have completed!

It also happens with newly crafted items etc.


Edited by SlayersRust
Added a video

Posted (edited)

Hello, so you've set the stack multiplier values to "500 000 000" 500-mil which is the problem.


If you look at the items its complaining about ( Twitch Rivals Desk default stack size of 5 ) & then multiply that value by your ridiculous value set ( 500 million ) you end up with 2 Billion 500 million. "2,500,000,000"

The largest possible value in C# is 2,147,483,647 Which means anything over this stack size will break the plugin
( 2.5 billion is significantly more then the max stack size supported in the game.. )

So maybe you can do me a solid here and lower your multiplier values to a support level. 


Edited by Khan


Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug



5 hours ago, Khan said:

Hello, so you've set the stack multiplier values to "500 000 000" 500-mil which is the problem.


If you look at the items its complaining about ( Twitch Rivals Desk default stack size of 5 ) & then multiply that value by your ridiculous value set ( 500 million ) you end up with 2 Billion 500 million. "2,500,000,000"

The largest possible value in C# is 2,147,483,647 Which means anything over this stack size will break the plugin
( 2.5 billion is significantly more then the max stack size supported in the game.. )

So maybe you can do me a solid here and lower your multiplier values to a support level. 


So I was always under the impression that "Modified" section allowed you to Modify the exact Stack Size you would like for that particular item if you didn't want all categorized items up top have the same size of 500,000,000. Is there a way with your plugin to change each individual stack size to a certain number? I want to have majority of the items that exist in that category be 500,000,000 but ONLY a select few items have an EXACT STACK SIZE like say 10 or 20 or 100 etc. whatever the number might be. How can this be achieved?



I'll have to redo 10 servers config files now as this update just reset all of them? Is there any way to fix this? How do I make Stack Sized back to 500,000,000 for all categories but only change certain items stack sizes specificially?



use the command functions in the search bar in the UI editor as stated on the docs.





1 hour ago, Khan said:

use the command functions in the search bar in the UI editor as stated on the docs.



So with this its possible to have each category 500 Million by placing at the top of the config? and then a select few items I can make 20, 200 etc or what I choose?



Everything has to be done using the UI editor. I don't support commands outside of it.


So start by disabling the multi-pliers to zero 0

then in the search bar field in the UI system.

just do set 500000000
and then manually set the ones you want to be 1, 20 200 etc.



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