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Are roaming hordes a possibility with this plugin?

Pending 2.1.1


Basically the title, we use this plugin on our server and would like to have a hoard that roams the map, is that possible with this plugin or will we need to figure out another solution?

Thanks, have a great day.

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  • Administrator


Probably not, to be honest. A few people have asked but I'm not sure I want to have that option in it.

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Would love this! there is a zombiehorde plugin but doesn't allow you to spawn them underground like in caves etc. found out the hard way when i placed them in my zombie arena that i made for our map next wipe and they just spawn above on the surface and not in the arena. But with BotSpawn they do spawn in the arena so if you decide to add that option it would make the zombies in my arena so much better. 

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On 10/5/2020 at 3:12 AM, imbluegrass said:

Basically the title, we use this plugin on our server and would like to have a hoard that roams the map, is that possible with this plugin or will we need to figure out another solution?

Thanks, have a great day.

I have 35 bots roaming each biome which are sometimes very close to each other but i think even if you increased that number tenfold it would be chance to get them in a hoard,

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