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Key binding

Not a Bug 1.0.4


Great idea, i have been looking for something like this for Proximity alert which you have to disable enable every time you encounter an enemy,

Is there any way to bind key 7 so that you dont have to go into chat to activate the button with the mouse.

I have the icon on left hand side of "belt" bar as i have ZLevelsRemastered on the right hand side (thanks for the option)

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Thanks for the quick response, I thought it might be possible as backpacks still uses the binding, Nevermind ,

I made the button an actual big red button which makes it more noticable, , even though you have to go into chat it still saves time

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yeah... Its a shame.... you can bind a key to do any command in chat or via in game console, for instance Backpacks has the command backpack.open which if you fire off in F1 console will open the backpack. You can then bind it yourself to a key with bind b backpack.open you could also use in game console to send a chat command with chat.say which again you can bind to a key bind b chat.say /backpack.

Unfortunately the ability to make a plugin register a keybind was taken away from us in April 2017 because of some malicious plugins that where going around. Would of loved to force a bind to key 7... It just makes sense but alas I don't have the power 😞

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