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Feature Request

Pending 1.2.6



I use BradleyDrops plugin as well as BotReSpawn. BradleyDrops allows me to have multiple levels of bradleys get spawned ranging from easy ones to elite (and any custome ones I create). With BotReSpawn, it treats a bradley as a bradly regardles of what type it is (I realise the type is created by BradleyDrops) and as such, regardless of whether its an easy or elite type, BotReSpawn spawns the bots off of the bradley config.

Is it possible to have it so that I could customise which config BotReSpawn processes based on the type that BradleyDrops creates ? This would make it so that an easy bradley could have easy respawns and an elite bradly could have elite respawns.

  • Administrator


I'm not super familiar with that plugin but I see in the overview it says
"BotReSpawn compatibility, with the option to specify a BRS spawn profile at the Bradley kill site."

I'm not sure if that's just a global option or if it lets you specify different BotReSpawn profiles for different difficulty levels,
but it's certainly be worth checking.

If it is currently just a global option perhaps the developer could make it a per-profile thing?
That would make the most sense to me.
They could use `OnBotReSpawnAPCKill` hook to prevent BotReSpawn's APC Kill profile from working, for their APCs, if they aren't already.



Good spot. I hadnt seen that one. I'll give it a try and see how it goes. I'll let you know how my testing goes.

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