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3 golden eggs

Closed 1.1.2 1.1.6

  • in Eggs

No prob.

After you found out how to prevent that you could add an option where once can set how many eggs of a kind will come out of a chicken.

I think this could be interesting.

Maybe I would like do 3 bronze eggs, 2 silver eggs and 1 golden egg or something.

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good suggestion first lets check the limiting might have to delay the removal of the extra eggs with a fraction because it might trigger the removing before the eggs where able to get into the inventory.

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I never receive any bronze eggs with that config.

Also, sometimes there are no eggs.



I thought "Max eggs when using multiplier plugins" really means the maximum of all variations below.

Like if I set 4 silver eggs, that it would also be possible that it's 1,2 or 3 eggs.

But it seems it's always the exact amount cause I get 2 silver eggs all the time.

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don't forget your multipliers are also at work this just makes sure it wont be more then set amount.
multipliers work with hard numbers so if 1 item has for example multiplier of 1.2 it will allready be 2 items since rust rounds it upwards
so incase of zlvls 
lvl 1 = 1.1 multipleir so its 2
lvl 2 = 1.2
lvl 11 = 2.1 multiplier so it is 3

etc etc

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the 0 eggs is because u still have the normal egg short name(for default eggs) and main cfg has max eggs for normal egg at 0 so yes that is correct.
set your silver eggs lower it is still too high and will trigger faster

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GatherManager or zlvls is what i use.
Gathercontroll sets multipliers at day/night 
in eggs if the egg is spawned and amount is higher then set max amount it will remove all with a math calculation (amount items - itemmax)
so if 10 is gathered it uses all minus the max set amount and reduces it by 6 and end result will be 4 remaining eggs (for example).

i checked the gathering plugins out there they make a list of ores to multiply and trees or pickup.
I havent seen a list that is allowed to be multiplied in any of them for corpse harvesting and it multiplies everything.
Me ending up making my own gather plugin is a fair chance atm.

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