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BotSpawn conflict with BetterVanish

Closed 2.1.0

BetterVanish 1.5.2 Latest Version conflict with Latest BotSpawn version

I am getting spammed with this in my Console anytime I'm in Vanish using BetterVanish near a Botspawned AI NPC. Can we get a fix for this?

"Calling hook OnNpcTarget resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: BetterVanish - Oxide.Plugins.BetterVanish (BetterVanish), BotSpawn (True (Boolean))
Calling hook OnNpcTarget resulted in a conflict between the following plugins: BetterVanish - Oxide.Plugins.BetterVanish (BetterVanish), BotSpawn (True (Boolean))"

Reply from BetterVanish Plugin Developer
Lucky LucianoToday at 2:48 PM
botspawn issue
[2:49 PM]
if we would change the return value npcs would attack and see players while in vanish


DARKOToday at 2:50 PM
Gotcha, is this fixeable on the BotSpawn Developers end in any way? I don't get this message thrown up with the other developers Vanish plugin.

Lucky LucianoToday at 2:51 PM
hard to say but object hooks like OnNpcTarget should always return false or null
[2:52 PM]
if one returns false and other true you get such conflicts

Could you let me know if there is a way we could fix this endless Console spam.

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