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ZombieHorde and Better NPC (Interaction?)

Closed 1.2.8


I have the ZombieHorde plugin and I notice that the zombies will attack the Better NPCs but they will not fight back. Any way to fix this? 

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Open up the NpcSpawn.cs file, the plugin file for NpcSpawn.

Look for this or search for it CTRL+F


Change from false to true. Then NpcSpawn NPCs will target and fight other NPCs.

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Are they not attacking them or just not damaging them @Beaverthelieber?

Do you use any other plugins that allow or control NPCs? Or maybe you have TruePVE and can make sure heavy scientists are added to the NPCs group? Normally that's all you'd need to change. But we can try to sort out what's stopping them in this case.

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