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Can't place turret down and ammo box??

Not a Bug 1.1.20



I can't put the turret on the back of my car? I get this error. Also, where exactly is the ammo box for the turret?



Posted (edited)

Hey, to enable ammo boxes you should disable infinite ammo in the config file. You would see a stash appear near the bottom of the turret.

Positions of turrets are predefined in the config file. You cannot place them on vehicles in-game. For example, a turret is spawned on a double flatbed car module, train wagons e.t.c.

Also, make sure to update to the latest version , since it has some performance fixes.


Edited by _senyaa


Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug



I see, but the video shows that it can be placed anywhere. So if I wanted to put it on a horse, I would....add that to the config file?



Yes, you could add it to any entity you want. But you would need to specify it in the config. This option is located at the end of the file.

Here is the example of how it can be done -

 "[Misc] Spawn positions on other entities (full prefab name)": {
    "<FULL ENTITY PREFAB NAME (e.g. assets/content/vehicles/trains/wagons/trainwagonb.entity.prefab)>": [
        "Type": "<SPECIFY THE TYPE (AATurret or MachinegunTurret)>",
        // Below you have the relative position and rotation.
        "Position": {
          "x": -0.01828,
          "y": 0.16,
          "z": -1.6145
        "Rotation": {
          "x": 0.0,
          "y": 180.0,
          "z": 0.0
      // you can specify multiple turrets, just copy the above code and separate it with a comma.





The reason why the position on entities is hardcoded is due to some game limitations. For example, players can place these turrets, so they would clip into the vehicle, so it would be permanently stuck or they would be able to be mounted at an angle which could lead to numerous bugs such as players clipping into other prefabs, bases e.t.c. So I've decided to be on the safe side and only allow deploying them on static stuff like building blocks and leave entity placement to the admins.



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