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Issue when steam/oxide get updated

Closed 1.0.9


For example if oxide or server push updates.... Save and stop server, update steam/oxide, start server.

After updates, all Submersible Pumps placed by players before, starting to pump SALT water. If player pickup and replace pump, it wont help!!! Only new pumps issued by command working properly.

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Oh, thanks for creating ticket. Will copy message from comment here, let's continue this here.

Hmm, weird issue.
Maybe one of your plugins break something and prevents pumps to be modified.
I am running plugin recent version all the time and don't see any problem.
Try running plugin without any other plugin and check if it is still broken.

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Nothing helping, after any updates the only way to do just take them up and drop on a ground to despawn..... Only new pumps issued via command will work properly, old ones just lose clear water functionality.

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It's not possible by the plugin for pumps to be broken like that.
If the pumps after picking them up are "small generators" with skin Id of water pump there is no way that they could be broken.
One of your plugins must cause this problem.

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@ThePitereqThat's closed already, but I decided to message you here for now. I can open another ticket as well if needed, or we can move on to Discord. We're experiencing the same or similar problems on our PVE servers. Some players requested that their pumps yield salt water when pumps are supposed to pump only fresh, drinkable water, and there's no configuration option to choose the water type or anything else related to this. It's a bug, but I do not know what caused it. For now, it's a pretty random occurrence for some players.

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hey, please do not reply on closed tickets as it will be lost.
Please create new ticket, or better ocntact through discord as it's a lot better way for convos.

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