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cant damage heli

Closed 1.2.3



when settting heli to 75000 hp after a bit i can no longer damage it but 37500 seems to work just fine any ideas what im doing wrong?


Posted (edited)

Update after testing its after a certain time of it being out that it stops letting me damage it on all profiles here is the config for the easy one the way i have set up and after couple minutes it stoped letting me damage it even.  I can not figure out where i have messed up the config at to cause this issue

"Heli Signal (Easy)": {
        "Number of helicopters called to the player": 1,
        "Helicopter display name": "Heli Signal (Easy)",
        "Skin ID of the custom Supply Signal": 2920175997,
        "Profile shortname (for use in permission and give command)": "easy",
        "Enable purchasing using custom currency via the buy command": true,
        "Cost to purchase (using buy command)": 100000,
        "Starting health": 12500,
        "Main rotor health": 900,
        "Tail rotor health": 500,
        "Initial Helicopter speed until it arrives at location": 42,
        "Helicopter max speed (Default = 42)": 42,
        "Distance from target when orbiting (Default = 75)": 75,
        "Max orbit duration when Helicopter arrives at location (Default = 30)": 30,
        "Helicopter max rotation speed SCALE (Default = 1.0)": 1,
        "Number of crates to spawn": 4,
        "Number of locked hackable crates to spawn": 0,
        "Hack time for locked crate (seconds)": 900,
        "Locked crate despawn time (seconds)": 7200,
        "Bullet damage (Default = 20)": 20,
        "Bullet speed (Default = 250)": 250,
        "Gun fire rate (Default = 0.125)": 0.125,
        "Gun burst length (Default = 3)": 3,
        "Time between bursts (Default = 3)": 3,
        "New target detection range (Default = 150)": 150,
        "Max targeting range (Default = 300)": 300,
        "Weapon accuracy % (1 to 100)": 40,
        "Max number of rockets to fire (Default = 12)": 12,
        "Time between rockets (Default = 0.2)": 0.2,
        "Rocket damage scale (Default = 1.0)": 1,
        "Napalm chance (Default = 0.75)": 0.75,
        "Despawn timer": 3600,
        "Only owner can damage (and team if enabled)": true,
        "Allow Helicopter to target other players": false,
        "Block damage to calling players bases": false,
        "Block damage to other players bases": true,
        "Block damage to other players": true,
        "Block damage ALWAYS to entities in the protected prefab list": false,
        "Disable Heli gibs": false,
        "Gibs too hot to mine time (Seconds)": 0,
        "Health of gibs (more health = more resources)": 500,
        "Lock mining gibs to owner": true,
        "Unlock mining gibs to others after time in seconds (0 = Never)": 300,
        "Disable fire on crates": true,
        "Crate fire duration (seconds)": 0,
        "Lock looting crates to owner": true,
        "Unlock looting crates to others after time in seconds (0 = Never)": 300,
        "Reward points issued when destroyed (if enabled)": 10000,
        "XP issued when destroyed (if enabled)": 10,
        "Scrap amount issued when destroyed (if enabled)": 0,
        "Custom reward amount issued when destroyed (if enabled)": 1000,
        "Damage Threshold (Min damage player needs to contribute to get rewards)": 100,
        "BotReSpawn profile to spawn at crash site (leave blank for not using)": "",



Sorry for updating so much but ive set it back to default and only change one thing at a time and im pretty postive its the   "Only owner can damage (and team if enabled)": true,  set true causing it i have it at false and everything else as above and its working so that is why i think it is that.  Again sorry for updating so much just thought id let u know what i have found.  Also this is gonna be awesome addition to server thank you for creating it.


Edited by countess


That "Only owner can damage" config option works fine, but another plugin must be changing the heli owner after a certain time. Loot Defender used to do that, but it should have been patched a while ago, do you use that plugin? Is it up to date?


with heli HP, you should also scale the rotor health otherwise people can still kill the heli easily. 10k HP with 900/500 rotor health is vanilla. If you doubled the main HP for example, you should also double the rotor health, so ex: 20k HP, rotor HP should be 1800/1000.




Could this be the same issue I have where the Heli resets to zero HP and never dies??



No, that issue is separate and I have fixed that issue, it will be fixed on the next update soon. Happy new year! 🙂



yes i use loot defender.  Sorry for such delay on response my pc broke right after posting this so i have not been able to be online for a bit i am sorry.  I had loot defender to lock i will turn it off for heli hopefully that is the issue.


Posted (edited)

Did this fix your issue? Also, what version of LootDefender are you using? version 2.1.5 is compatible with HeliSignals so shouldn't lock them anyway.

Edited by ZEODE


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