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Raiding of Other Bases

Pending 1.6.1


We had a player use this tonight and once they acquired the TC in the base, they went after another base on the clan and started attacking it until they got TC. I thought they were supposed to just stay with the original base?

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Yes, they are. As a clan its not uncommon to have multiple bases. So if they build a new base to get raided, they risk having their other bases raided? That's just how it is?

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If you are talking a team starts a event and then the even destroys a tc and moves on to the next one then you would need to change "External Tc Scan Range": 150.0, to 0.0 in all the raid types to not have it go after there close by tc as well.


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i had the same issue.  someone called the event, the NPC destroyed their base and then went to their neighbors base and started destroying it.
they are not on the same team, they arent auth'd on eachothers TCs.  any idea?

Edited by Rust Admin
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