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Skulls Stacking

Not a Bug 1.0.0


I use StackModifier Plugin and in my Config Humans Skulls and Skull item are all set to only stack to 1. But for some reason with this plugin it allows skulls to stack, the reason this is bad is two enemy skulls will be combined then have the same name.

      "skull.human": {
        "ShortName": "skull.human",
        "ItemId": 996293980,
        "DisplayName": "Human Skull",
        "Modified": 1,
        "Disable": false

      "skull": {
        "ShortName": "skull",
        "ItemId": 1312843609,
        "DisplayName": "Skull",
        "Modified": 1,
        "Disable": false

This could be an issue with Stack Modifier as without the plugin now the skulls stack again but they didn't before. My wolf skulls still stack how they should.

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I think I just realized that my Category stack modifiers for FUN is overwriting the single item modifiers in StackModifers at 1000 for Skull Trophy. Any way to fix this for Stack Modifier? I'll try to contact their developer as well if you don't know. 

  "Category Stack Multipliers": {
    "Attire": 1,
    "Misc": 5000,
    "Items": 5000,
    "Component": 5000,
    "Ammunition": 5000,
    "Construction": 1000,
    "Traps": 1000,
    "Electrical": 1000,
    "Fun": 1000,

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