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Everything posted by Stan.cs

  1. Stan.cs

    Restart not working.

    yes i was using restart 1 instead of quit, usually when i use these kinds of plugins using the quit command, the server wont start back up automatically. thats why i bought this plugin. it worked for a couple of days and then all of a sudden it stopped working. i have too many players on my server to continually restart the server to test this plugin and i no longer have a test server.
  2. Stan.cs

    Restart not working.

    Scheduled restart and manual restarts not working at all.
  3. Stan.cs

    Wipe Reset

    How do I reset a players redeem limit on a kit after wipe. I only have a couple of kits with a redeem limit but I want it to reset after each wipe.
  4. Stan.cs

    Not working with NoEscape

    okay, thank you so much! again, thoroughly enjoy Mevent plugins!
  5. Stan.cs

    Not working with NoEscape

    { "Permission to use plugin (ex: buildtools.use)": "", "Remove Commands": [ "remove" ], "Upgrade Commands": [ "up", "building.upgrade", "bgrade" ], "Downgrade Commands": [ "down", "down.grade", "downgrade" ], "Settings Commands": [ "bskin", "buildingskin", "bsettings" ], "Work with Notify?": true, "Work with PersonalVaultDoor?": true, "Work with LangAPI?": true, "Use hammer hit actions on entity?": true, "Switching between modes with a middle click?": false, "Setting Modes": [ { "Enabled": true, "Icon (assets/url)": "assets/icons/clear.png", "Type (Remove/Wood/Stone/Metal/TopTier)": "Remove", "Permission (ex: buildtools.1)": "", "Enable skins?": false, "Skins": [] }, { "Enabled": true, "Icon (assets/url)": "assets/icons/level_wood.png", "Type (Remove/Wood/Stone/Metal/TopTier)": "Wood", "Permission (ex: buildtools.1)": "", "Enable skins?": true, "Skins": [ { "Enabled": true, "Lang Key": "SkinLegacy Wood", "Permission": "", "Skin": 10232, "Enable colors?": false }, { "Enabled": true, "Lang Key": "SkinGingerbread", "Permission": "", "Skin": 2, "Enable colors?": false } ] }, { "Enabled": true, "Icon (assets/url)": "assets/icons/level_stone.png", "Type (Remove/Wood/Stone/Metal/TopTier)": "Stone", "Permission (ex: buildtools.1)": "", "Enable skins?": true, "Skins": [ { "Enabled": true, "Lang Key": "SkinAdobe", "Permission": "", "Skin": 10220, "Enable colors?": false }, { "Enabled": true, "Lang Key": "SkinBrick", "Permission": "", "Skin": 10223, "Enable colors?": false }, { "Enabled": true, "Lang Key": "SkinBrutalist", "Permission": "", "Skin": 10225, "Enable colors?": false } ] }, { "Enabled": true, "Icon (assets/url)": "assets/icons/level_metal.png", "Type (Remove/Wood/Stone/Metal/TopTier)": "Metal", "Permission (ex: buildtools.1)": "", "Enable skins?": true, "Skins": [ { "Enabled": true, "Lang Key": "SkinContainer", "Permission": "", "Skin": 10221, "Enable colors?": true } ] }, { "Enabled": true, "Icon (assets/url)": "assets/icons/level_top.png", "Type (Remove/Wood/Stone/Metal/TopTier)": "TopTier", "Permission (ex: buildtools.1)": "", "Enable skins?": false, "Skins": [] }, { "Enabled": true, "Icon (assets/url)": "assets/icons/demolish.png", "Type (Remove/Wood/Stone/Metal/TopTier)": "Down", "Permission (ex: buildtools.1)": "", "Enable skins?": false, "Skins": [] } ], "Upgrade Settings": { "Amount of upgrade entities per tick": 5, "Notify the player of the required resources for upgrading a building when they do not have enough resources": false, "Press Shift + Attack to Upgrade All": false, "Updating building skins on right-click upgrade?": true, "Skins Settings": { "Enabled": true, "Icon (assets/url)": "assets/icons/gear.png", "Image for skins": { "10220": "https://i.ibb.co/GRjNqrq/ty1gZVS.png", "10221": "https://i.ibb.co/N1ZtZ1h/CSTnZ9V.png", "10223": "https://i.ibb.co/6yv2gCp/SGB52rr.png", "10225": "https://i.ibb.co/HgjXDCp/512fx512fdpx2x.png", "10232": "https://i.ibb.co/zWcN5wR/512fx512f.png", "2": "https://i.ibb.co/ZSjMHJt/gingerbread.png" } }, "Upgrade buildings while they are being built?": true, "Permission to modify all entities (/command all) ": "buildtools.all", "Time of action": 300, "Cooldown (default | 0 - disable)": 0, "Cooldowns": { "buildtools.vip": 0, "buildtools.premium": 0 }, "Block After Wipe (default | 0 - disable)": 0, "Block After Wipe": { "buildtools.vip": 0, "buildtools.premium": 0 } }, "Remove Settings": { "Blocked items to remove (prefab – settings)": { "shortname 1": [ { "Skins (* – all)": [ "*" ], "Can remove?": false, "Return Item": false, "Returnable Item Percentage": 100.0 } ], "shortname 2": [ { "Skins (* – all)": [ "*" ], "Can remove?": false, "Return Item": false, "Returnable Item Percentage": 100.0 } ], "shortname 3": [ { "Skins (* – all)": [ "*" ], "Can remove?": false, "Return Item": false, "Returnable Item Percentage": 100.0 } ] }, "Return Item": true, "Returnable Item Percentage": 100.0, "Percentages of returnable items (permission – percent)": { "buildtools.vip": 100.0, "buildtools.premium": 100.0 }, "Can friends remove? (Friends)": true, "Can clanmates remove? (Clans)": true, "Can teammates remove?": true, "Remove by cupboard? (those who are authorized in the cupboard can remove)": false, "Remove container with items?": false, "Condition Settings": { "Default (from game)": true, "Use percent?": false, "Percent (value)": 0.0 }, "Block Cooldown After Spawn Settings": { "Default": 36000.0, "Permissions": { "buildtools.vip": 34000.0, "buildtools.premium": 32000.0 } }, "Amount of remove entities per tick": 5, "Press Shift + Attack to Remove All": false, "Vision Removal": { "Enabled": false, "Permission": "buildtools.vision", "Distance": 5.0, "Crosshair": { "Enabled": false, "Size": 30.0, "Thickness": 4.0, "Color": { "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0, "HEX": "#FFFFFF" }, "Display type (Overlay/Hud)": "Overlay" } }, "Permission to modify all entities (/command all) ": "buildtools.all", "Time of action": 30, "Cooldown (default | 0 - disable)": 0, "Cooldowns": { "buildtools.vip": 0, "buildtools.premium": 0 }, "Block After Wipe (default | 0 - disable)": 0, "Block After Wipe": { "buildtools.vip": 0, "buildtools.premium": 0 } }, "Downgrade Settings": { "Blocked items to downgrade (prefab – skins, but '*' - all skins)": { "shortname 1": [ "*" ], "shortname 2": [ "*" ], "shortname 3": [ "*" ] }, "Can friends downgrade? (Friends)": true, "Can clanmates downgrade? (Clans)": true, "Can teammates downgrade?": true, "Amount of downgrade entities per tick": 5, "Press Shift + Attack to Downgrade All": false, "Is it possible to downgrade to Twigs?": false, "Permission to modify all entities (/command all) ": "buildtools.all", "Time of action": 30, "Cooldown (default | 0 - disable)": 0, "Cooldowns": { "buildtools.vip": 0, "buildtools.premium": 0 }, "Block After Wipe (default | 0 - disable)": 0, "Block After Wipe": { "buildtools.vip": 0, "buildtools.premium": 0 } }, "Block Settings": { "Work with NoEscape?": true, "Work with Clans? (clan members will be able to delete/upgrade)": true, "Work with Friends? (friends will be able to delete/upgrade)": true, "Can those authorized in the cupboard delete/upgrade?": true, "Is an upgrade/remove cupboard required?": false }, "UI Settings": { "Display type (Overlay/Hud)": "Overlay", "Color 1": { "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0, "HEX": "#4B68FF" }, "Color 2": { "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0, "HEX": "#2C2C2C" }, "Color 3": { "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0, "HEX": "#B64040" }, "Offset Y": 0.0, "Offset X": 0.0, "Progress Title Text Size": 12, "Progress Title Text Color": { "Opacity (0 - 100)": 60.0, "HEX": "#FFFFFF" }, "Settings Background Color": { "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0, "HEX": "#0E0E10" }, "Settings Header Color": { "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0, "HEX": "#161617" }, "Settings Image Background Color": { "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0, "HEX": "#161617" }, "Settings Selected Color": { "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0, "HEX": "#4B68FF" }, "Settings Not Selected Color": { "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0, "HEX": "#242425" }, "Settings Text Color": { "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0, "HEX": "#FFFFFF" }, "Panel Background": { "Sprite": "", "Material": "", "Image": "", "Color": { "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0, "HEX": "#2C2C2C" }, "AnchorMin": "0 0", "AnchorMax": "1 1", "OffsetMin": "50 50", "OffsetMax": "200 80" }, "Panel Cancel Button": { "Button Color": { "Opacity (0 - 100)": 0.0, "HEX": "#000000" }, "Sprite": "", "Material": "", "Image": "", "Image Color": { "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0, "HEX": "#FFFFFF" }, "Font Size": 14, "Is Bold?": false, "Align": "MiddleCenter", "Color": { "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0, "HEX": "#FFFFFF" }, "AnchorMin": "0 0", "AnchorMax": "0 0", "OffsetMin": "5 5", "OffsetMax": "25 25" }, "Panel Settings Background": { "Sprite": "", "Material": "", "Image": "", "Color": { "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0, "HEX": "#2C2C2C" }, "AnchorMin": "0 0", "AnchorMax": "1 1", "OffsetMin": "15 50", "OffsetMax": "45 80" }, "Panel Settings Icon": { "Sprite": "assets/icons/gear.png", "Material": "", "Image": "", "Color": { "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0, "HEX": "#FFFFFF" }, "AnchorMin": "0 0", "AnchorMax": "1 1", "OffsetMin": "5 5", "OffsetMax": "-5 -5" }, "Skins": { "Tab Up Indent": 15.0, "Tab Height": 20.0, "Tab Width": 80.0, "Tab Margin": 5.0, "Image Left Indent": -22.5, "Image Up Indent": 60.0, "Image Height": 190.0, "Image Width": 190.0, "Mode Up Indent": 60.0, "Mode Height": 40.0, "Mode Width": 130.0, "Mode Margin": 15.0, "Skin Button Left Indent": -167.5, "Settings Modal Background": { "Sprite": "", "Material": "", "Image": "", "Color": { "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0, "HEX": "#0E0E10" }, "AnchorMin": "0 0", "AnchorMax": "1 1", "OffsetMin": "-210 -167.5", "OffsetMax": "210 167.5" }, "Select Color Button": { "Button Color": { "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0, "HEX": "#FF4B4B" }, "Sprite": "", "Material": "", "Image": "", "Image Color": { "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0, "HEX": "#FFFFFF" }, "Font Size": 14, "Is Bold?": true, "Align": "MiddleCenter", "Color": { "Opacity (0 - 100)": 100.0, "HEX": "#FFFFFF" }, "AnchorMin": "0.5 1", "AnchorMax": "0.5 1", "OffsetMin": "-22.5 -280", "OffsetMax": "167.5 -255" } }, "Select Item Image": "https://i.ibb.co/pJF7XJN/search.png" }, "Active Item Settings": { "Enabled": false, "Items": { "hammer": { "Enabled": true, "Default Mode": "Remove", "Ignored Skins": [ 1196009619 ], "Save the selected mode when closing?": false }, "toolgun": { "Enabled": true, "Default Mode": "Remove", "Ignored Skins": [], "Save the selected mode when closing?": false }, "building.planner": { "Enabled": true, "Default Mode": "Stone", "Ignored Skins": [ 1195976254 ], "Save the selected mode when closing?": false } } }, "Binds Settings": { "Enabled": false, "Buttons": { "RELOAD": { "Enabled": false, "Action": "OpenOrChangeMode", "Mode": "Remove", "Required items in hand": [ "hammer", "toolgun" ] }, "USE": { "Enabled": false, "Action": "OpenOrChangeMode", "Mode": "Stone", "Required items in hand": [ "hammer", "toolgun", "building.planner" ] }, "FIRE_THIRD": { "Enabled": false, "Action": "ChangeModeToNext", "Mode": "None", "Required items in hand": [ "hammer", "toolgun", "building.planner" ] } } }, "Version": { "Major": 1, "Minor": 5, "Patch": 37 } }
  6. Stan.cs

    Not working with NoEscape

    NoEscape is not blocking the command, I have everything in NoEscape setup properly and have work with noescape: true but its not blocking bgrade when raid blocked or combat blocked
  7. Stan.cs

    Show All

    How can I show all kits, except for the autokits?
  8. Stan.cs

    NoEscape not disabling

    i enjoyed the plugin while i was on oxide, thats for sure! 10/10
  9. Stan.cs

    NoEscape not disabling

    i removed the plugin from my server, only changed the timer for combat block and raid block both to 60 seconds and 1 minute respectively and changed the color of circle to randomize. Looking at the plugin page now, I did switch over to carbon and thats when the issue happened, i see on the page that carbon is not supported. My mistake
  10. Stan.cs

    NoEscape not disabling

    After a raid, the timer is supposed to countdown and the bubble is supposed to dissappear. That is not happening, all of the raid block zones are just staying and continue to raid block the players
  11. an oxide dll was not letting it start properly, removed it and now everything works fine!
  12. I use icedhost to host my server, when starting the server, RCON wont come up, therefore the server wont start
  13. Stan.cs


    thank you, it worked. Do you have a /ah (auction house) plugin like minecraft servers had back in the day? if you dont, id pay to get it lol
  14. Stan.cs


    also shop is super zoomed in from what theyre saying. i changed my GUI scale to 1.0 (in-game) and I saw what they were talking about, i usually play with my gui scale at 0.7 and it looks normal at that scale.
  15. Stan.cs


    Im using server panel to show my kits, some of my players are saying that some kits go off of the screen and dont show up. How do i fix this?
  16. Stan.cs

    Second bot wont start

    yes, thank you!. love Ultimate RCON btw!
  17. Stan.cs

    Second bot wont start

    not a bug. intents were not enabled.
  18. Stan.cs

    Second bot wont start

  19. Stan.cs

    Second bot wont start

    I have 2 servers. One bot is working and the other is not. i have them both enabled in configs
  20. Stan.cs

    More than 1 autokit

    I am trying to add an autokit for a certain role, but doing that gives me the autokit that is already setup for default. so when i spawn, i get both kits at the same time, how do i change it?


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