Hi there!
I'm a bit puzzled as to how to link the WipeCountdown plugin with the WPWipeCycle plugin. (I also own the main WelcomeInfoUI plugin of course). I added the WPWipeCycle at the end of the config file on a tab ("Tab 3": "WPWipeCycle",)
Everything shows up well except for the countdown timer, see photo below.
I read that we need to add {countdown} on the WPWipeCycle config file, this is what it looks like:
"Other": {
"Top Title Text": "<size=45><color=#4A95CC>WIPE CYCLE:</color></size>",
"Countdown Text": "Next wipe in <color=#3498DB> {countdown} </color>",
"Font Outline Color": "0 0 0 1",
"Font Outline Thickness": "1"
I think what I'm missing is something about the API you quoted under the WipeCountdown page, however, I don't know what to do or where to add that line!
Any help/direction is appreciated.
Thank you for creating this plugin.