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Everything posted by Wolfurr

  1. Wolfurr

    Foundation Damage

    Changed Status from Pending to Not a Bug Changed Fixed In to Next Version
  2. Wolfurr

    Foundation Damage

    Hi! I thought about this at the stage of creating the plugin, and your proposal also has disadvantages, for example, if the player places a TC near the doorway, then there will be no way to get inside. In any case, I will think about your proposal. I am sorry that you rate the plugin at 2 points without the new function you want, because it does what it needs to do, and strengthening the only foundation to the HQM solves the problem in 99%.
  3. Wolfurr

    The Cupboard

    Hi If you will use the plugin the "non owner" can not destroy your TC And in this case he can not place doors...
  4. Wolfurr

    Rocket Strike

    I think this means that one of the curators reviewed the plugin. And also you can read more info here: https://codefling.com/curation/
  5. Version 1.0.0


    Rocket Strike - the ultimate event that allows you to create missile strikes anywhere on the map, in any quantity, any radius and with all possible settings. A unique feature is the creation of nuclear charges that create radiation zones after the explosion. The following types of rockets are supported: regular, fire, high-speed, MLRS. The configuration file allows you to manage all aspects of the event: - projectile type for a missile strike - random projectiles - explosion radius - number of missiles in launch - nuclear charge - nuclear charge strength - radius and duration of the radiation zone - event frequency - markers on map - marker on map after explosion (different color) - sound siren - notifications in chat (for all or for nearby players) - damage multipliers - loot after explosion Permissions Requires: rocketstrike.rs Chat commands /rs call (/rs - alias) - takes your position as the center point for launching rockets and using the "Default" preset /rs onme takes your position as the center point for launching rockets and using the "OnMe" preset /rs start - event start (the rocket strike will not start immediately, it will be scheduled according to the configuration settings) /rs stop - stops the event if it was started and scheduled Configuration Event settings "EventSettings": { "autoStart": false, // automatically schedule an event to run after the plugin is installed "startAtRandomTime": true, "randomTimeRangeFrom": 120, // minutes "randomTimeRangeUpTo": 180, // minutes "repeatTimeInterval": 45, // minutes "rocketsLaunchPreset": "Default", // selected launch preset "randomRocketsLaunchPresets": false } Presets 1 preset in the example below: "LaunchPresets": { "Default": { "soundAlarm": true, // play sound alarm on launch start "soundAlarmDuration": 11, // seconds "chatNotifications": true, // notify players "chatNotificationsForNeardbyPlayersOnly": false, // notify only nearby players "showMapMarker": true, // show markers on the map (both: red and orange) "mapMarkerLootingStageDuration": 10, // duration in minutes for the orange marker "noDamage": false, // turns damage off "dropLoot": true, // allows to control loot drop "dropLootMultiplier": 1.0, // multiplier for the loot amount dropped by each projectile "maxRadius": 350, // rocket launch zone max radius "minRadius": 250, // rocket launch zone min radius "maxRocketsAmount": 12, // max 12 rockets in one launch "minRocketsAmount": 7, // min 7 rockets in one launch "maxDuration": 120, // seconds "minDuration": 60, // seconds "damageMultiplier": 1.0, // global damage multiplier that affects each projectile "projectiles": [ "NuclearMLRSRocket" // projectile type ] } } Projectiles configuration 1 projectile in the example below: "Projectiles": { "NuclearMLRSRocket": { // name used in a launch presset "damageMultiplier": 3.0, // projectile damage multiplier for each damage type "explosionRadius": 45, // meters "minExplosionRadius": 25, // meters, minimum radius "gravityModifier": 0, // affects projectile velocity "velocity": 35, // projectile velocity "nuclearCharge": true, // if “true” a nuclear charge will be added to the projectile "nuclearZoneRadius": 50, // meters, radiation zone radius after the explosion "nuclearZoneRadiationAmount": 55, // radiation damage in the zone per second "nuclearZoneDuration": 5, // minutes "prefab": "ammo.rocket.mlrs", // game object used for this projectile "additionalDamageTypes": [ // additional damage type { "type": "Radiation", // types list is available in the plugin file "damage": 1000 } ], "itemOnLootDropSpot": "assets/content/structures/excavator/prefabs/diesel_collectable.prefab", // spawns this item on each explosion spot "dropLootList": [ // list of loot to spawn { "item": "metal.fragments", "min": 500, "max": 1000 }, { "item": "sulfur", "min": 300, "max": 1000 }, { "item": "lowgradefuel", "min": 250, "max": 500 }, { "item": "charcoal", "min": 500, "max": 1000 }, { "item": "explosives", "min": 3, "max": 12 } ] }}
  6. Wolfurr

    The Cupboard

    Version 1.0.0


    The Cupboard - is a powerful tool that every Rust server needs. Rust gameplay is based on the opportunity to raid and take the loot but there is a problem that raiders usually destroy the tool cupboard and take the base under their control. This affects base owners and most of them leave from the server and you lose your online. The Cupboard solves the problem It provides many combinations for server owners to keep their lovely project PVP-based (or even PVP/PVE) and prevents losing online because of “base griefing”. Example of usage (default): TC can be destroyed by authorized players anytime TC can be destroyed by not authorized players during 24 hours after placement If a raider attacks a TC it will drop 90% of loot needed for the base upkeep and all the loot not needed for the upkeep This case allows the base owner to keep his base safe after 24 hours of the TC being placed and allows anti-raiders completely destroy a small base built by raiders as a spawn point near the base they are going to raid. Default plugin setup improves the experience of players who do not want to lose their base during their gameplay on your server and keeps the opportunity for anti-raiding in a classic way (or allows players to destroy new structures around their base during next 24 hours). Time preset can be adjusted according to your wishes. The feature that allows dropping resources from the TC is very useful (even if the TC can not be destroyed). It allows your players to get the loot and reduce time left for the upkeep, and on the other hand it gives the opportunity for the base owners to have some time to fill it back with needed resources and to keep control under their base. The Cupboard provides as many combinations as possible to control damage dealt to the TC. You even can control the rules of damage dealing for authorized players. Your players can type in chat “/tc” and they will get full information about TC damage dealing rules and of course they can receive the same information while attacking the TC (or you can just remove any notifications using config). Players will also receive in chat your TC damage rules after the TC being placed. Commands /tc Configuration Config:{ "Plugin Settings": { "skipPlacementByAdmin": false, "removeNonExistentTCFromDB": true }, "Settings": { "canTakeDamageFromAuthedPlayers": true, "canTakeDamageFromAuthedPlayersAfterACertainTime": false, "canTakeDamageFromAuthedPlayersBeforeACertainTimeHasPassed": false, "amountOfMinutesForTimeModeForAuthedPlayers": 1440, "canTakeDamageFromNotAuthedPlayers": true, "canTakeDamageFromNotAuthedPlayersAfterACertainTime": false, "canTakeDamageFromNotAuthedPlayersBeforeACertainTimeHasPassed": true, "amountOfMinutesForTimeModeForNotAuthedPlayers": 1440, "dropLootOnHitByNotAuthedPlayer": true, "percentOfEachStackOfLootToKeep": 10, "dropLootNotNeededForUpkeepOnHitByNotAuthedPlayer": true, "sendNotificationsWhenDamageProhibited": true, "sendDetailedNotificationsWithTimeInfo": true, "convertMinutesToHoursForNotifications": true }, "Loot": { "StoneStackQty": 1000, "WoodStackQty": 1000, "MetalFragmentsStackQty": 1000, "HighQualityMetalStackQty": 100 } } Config explanation Plugin settings skipPlacementByAdmin - set it to "true" if you want to skip this plugin logic for a TC placed by an admin (for example if you are using CopyPaste etc.) removeNonExistentTCFromDB - if set to "true" will remove all non-existent entities(TC) in the world from the database on server/plugin load (useful after the server wipe, you do not need to clean the data file yourself) Damage control for authorized players canTakeDamageFromAuthedPlayers - if set to “true” allows damage to the TC provided by authorized players Time modes (requires dropLootOnHitByAuthedPlayer to be “true”) canTakeDamageFromAuthedPlayersAfterACertainTime - if set to “true” allows damage (made by authorized players) to the TC only after a certain time after the TC being placed. canTakeDamageFromAuthedPlayersBeforeACertainTimeHasPassed - if set to “true” allows damage (made by authorized players) during a certain time after the TC being placed (after the timer ends damage will be prohibited). * you need to choice canTakeDamageFromAuthedPlayersAfterACertainTime OR canTakeDamageFromAuthedPlayersBeforeACertainTimeHasPassed (only one presset works at a time). Or you can turn both off. amountOfMinutesForTimeModeForAuthedPlayers - controls the amount of minutes for the chosen time mode for authorized players. Damage control for not authorized players canTakeDamageFromNotAuthedPlayers - if set to “true” allows damage to the TC provided by not authorized players Time modes (requires dropLootOnHitByNotAuthedPlayer to be “true”) canTakeDamageFromNotAuthedPlayersAfterACertainTime - if set to “true” allows damage (made by not authorized players) to the TC only after a certain time after the TC being placed. canTakeDamageFromNotAuthedPlayersBeforeACertainTimeHasPassed - if set to “true” allows damage (made by not authorized players) during a certain time after the TC being placed (after the timer ends damage will be prohibited). * you need to choice canTakeDamageFromNotAuthedPlayersAfterACertainTime OR canTakeDamageFromNotAuthedPlayersBeforeACertainTimeHasPassed (only one presset works at a time). Or you can turn both off. amountOfMinutesForTimeModeForNotAuthedPlayers - controls the amount of minutes for the chosen time mode for not authorized players. Other options dropLootOnHitByNotAuthedPlayer - if set to “true” and the TC being attacked it will drop some resources. percentOfEachStackOfLootToKeep - if set to “10” the TC will drop on the ground 90% of each stack of resources needed for the base upkeep dropLootNotNeededForUpkeepOnHitByNotAuthedPlayer - if set to “true” the TC will drop on the ground 100% of each stack of resources not needed for the base upkeep. sendNotificationsWhenDamageProhibited - if set to “true” will send notifications for the TC attacker about damage prohibition. sendDetailedNotificationsWithTimeInfo - if set to “true” will send detailed notifications for the TC attacker about damage prohibition with time values convertMinutesToHoursForNotifications - if set to “true” will convert minutes to hours (for example if you have southands of minutes for your time values) and it also affects messages that players receive. sendNotificationOnTCPlacement - if set to “true” will send your TC damage rules (based on your setup) to the player in the chat after the TC being placed. Loot quantity setup Adjust these values if your server has modified values for the max stack quantity of each time of resources the TC can store. Config has values for resources needed for the base upkeep only: StoneStackQty - 1000 of Stone (default) WoodStackQty - 1000 of Wood (default) MetalFragmentsStackQty - 1000 of Metal Fragments (default) HighQualityMetalStackQty - 100 of High Quality Metal (default)
  7. Wolfurr

    Does not work after this wipe

    Sry my bad. I forgot about permissions on my new server.
  8. Wolfurr

    Does not work after this wipe

    Does not work after this wipe. Mb I need to clean any cache or...? Ty
  9. Wolfurr

    Monument Bradley

    V. = 1.5.2
  10. Wolfurr

    Monument Bradley

    Hi. You need to check this plugin on the custom official map: Observers island. Today the plugin crashed my server twice (vendors could not do nothing and it was reinstalled): "Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the collection." This map technically has a ring road but.. not... Traveling vendor does not spawn there and their support said that the issue is related to the plugin, but I know that it's related to both. There is a plugin "AnyMapVendor" that determines that Observers Island has a ring road (but it has NOT!). I think your plugin also "think" that there is a ring road and trying to do the job, but after running 1-2 hours it kills the server. I did what I could - reported you and map developers. P.S. I returned your plugin back to the server with that map but I turned off Bradley spawn on the ring road.
  11. I know that this question can be common but anyway I need to ask because I'm new here. I even made some improvements during few days but I do not want to send the new file because I do no want to impact on "Approve time". Thank you.
  12. Wolfurr

    Unknown command: /convoystart

    Ok. It seems NpcSpawn was required for the plugin.
  13. Wolfurr

    Unknown command: /convoystart

    Convoy 2.5.2 Unknown command: convoystart after I type in chat: /convoystart I'm an admin. All my plugins work perfectly. I have issues only with Convoy
  14. Wolfurr

    Stopped working :(

    And another issue, when "UseMessages": false the plugin still sends the message "The Strom is over ..."
  15. Wolfurr

    Stopped working :(

    I found how to fix it. You need to run in RCON: o.reload TheStorm, but the plugin does not reload automatically by itself... only with the cmd
  16. Wolfurr

    Stopped working :(

    Hi! I used the chat command to call the storm 5 times (and all was good) and then when I tried to call it again the plugin stopped working 22.08 21:02:01 [Server] INFO Failed to call hook 'FloodStormServer' on plugin 'TheStorm v1.2.1' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object) 22.08 21:02:01 [Server] INFO at Oxide.Plugins.TheStorm.FloodStormServer (BasePlayer player, System.String command, System.String[] args) [0x00000] in <35c931dc3982423c9d674d2d3a761e3f>:0 22.08 21:02:01 [Server] INFO at Oxide.Plugins.TheStorm.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x006a3] in <35c931dc3982423c9d674d2d3a761e3f>:0 22.08 21:02:01 [Server] INFO at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <795304323ac74a298b8ed190a1dfa739>:0 22.08 21:02:01 [Server] INFO at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000de] in <beb2b64691c64e2b95b99491bd85442c>:0 22.08 21:02:01 [Server] INFO at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <beb2b64691c64e2b95b99491bd85442c>:0 22.08 21:02:01 [Server] INFO Failed to call hook 'FloodStormServer' on plugin 'TheStorm v1.2.1' (NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object) 22.08 21:02:01 [Server] INFO at Oxide.Plugins.TheStorm.FloodStormServer (BasePlayer player, System.String command, System.String[] args) [0x00000] in <35c931dc3982423c9d674d2d3a761e3f>:0 22.08 21:02:01 [Server] INFO at Oxide.Plugins.TheStorm.DirectCallHook (System.String name, System.Object& ret, System.Object[] args) [0x006a3] in <35c931dc3982423c9d674d2d3a761e3f>:0 22.08 21:02:01 [Server] INFO at Oxide.Plugins.CSharpPlugin.InvokeMethod (Oxide.Core.Plugins.HookMethod method, System.Object[] args) [0x00079] in <795304323ac74a298b8ed190a1dfa739>:0 22.08 21:02:01 [Server] INFO at Oxide.Core.Plugins.CSPlugin.OnCallHook (System.String name, System.Object[] args) [0x000de] in <beb2b64691c64e2b95b99491bd85442c>:0 22.08 21:02:01 [Server] INFO at Oxide.Core.Plugins.Plugin.CallHook (System.String hook, System.Object[] args) [0x00060] in <beb2b64691c64e2b95b99491bd85442c>:0


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