ya plugn is now working i am sorry to be pain in the ass
i have added some coke to the plugin as a test atm and it has added it once i graft it i right click it it then lights it and goes right back out and then its gone
i am trying to get the effects to work with it below is the effects you should get once you take the bag off drugs is there away you can make it so i can add all these diffrtent eccects
"antiradpills{2}": {
"Name": "Cocaine",
"Image": "https://i.imgur.com/Cv86aRm.png",
"SkinID": 2786441978,
"Description": "<b><size=10>Strong drug and euphoriant. Mental effects may include an intense feeling of happiness, sexual arousal or loss of contact with reality. Physical symptoms may include a fast heart rate and sweating.</size></b>",
"Stats": "<b><size=10>Hydration <b><color=#ff872e>-100</color></b> / Calories <b><color=#ff872e>-100</color></b> \nInstant Health <b><color=#ff872e>-10</color></b> \nPoison <b><color=#ff872e>+10</color></b> \nRadiation <b><color=#ff872e>+100</color></b> \nOre Yield <b><color=#91b94a>+90.0%</color></b> <b>10m</b> \nDirty <b><color=#ff872e>+55</color></b></size></b>",
"radiationresisttea{1}": {
"Name": "Hemp Oil",
"Image": "https://i.imgur.com/mcxLqAz.png",
"SkinID": 2625763424,
"Description": "<b><size=10>Made from hemp, a cannabis plant but containing little to no (THC), the chemical that gets people high. Instead contains (CBD), a chemical that has been used to treat everything from epilepsy to anxiety.</size></b>",
"Stats": "<b><size=10>Hydration <b><color=#91b94a>+145</color></b> / Calories <b><color=#ff872e>-65</color></b> \nHealing <b><color=#91b94a>+65</color></b> \nPoison <b><color=#91b94a>-5</color></b> \nMax Health <b><color=#91b94a>+5.0</color></b> <b>5m</b> \nDirty <b><color=#ff872e>+20</color></b></size></b>",
Kind Regards