hi, so when bringing the plugin in, even tho the overall craft percentage is set to 50%, nothing is reduced to 50 percent, unless you click each individual item in the ui to add it to the config. once added to the config, the craft time is shown incorrectly. additionally, all items added to the config dont need a workbench to be crafted, even if it is set to -1 for default. so for ammo example, rifle ammo should need a bench level 2 for it to be crafted, but once i click ammo and add it to the config, even with it set to -1 for default, it can be crafted without workbench level 2.
1: items not added to config by default, each one needs to be manually added, which takes a long time
2: the time to craft items is messed up when looking at them in craft menu. door for example will say 7.5 but take 30
3: when stuff is set to -1 for default craft bench requirement it removes the requirement all together
ill attach a video here