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Everything posted by One Shot
ok thankyou
I have just seen there is a paid version, does that include both the features ive asked in my orignal message ?
First of all I thankyou for the plugin. It works prett well and is really nice and easy to use. I have seen that in other discussion that you have been asked for a auto restart feature but you said this is onlt for your server. Depending on the cost I would be willing to pay a small fee to get a server auto restart on my server. seconadly is there a way to set up more servers with this free tool ? Every time I make a new folder to put another server on and add the tool exe to that folder it keeps openinf the tool for the first server and I cant find a way unless i use the old steamcmd method to setting up multiple servers
yeah, I jus tsaw an issue on my end with update checker and thought best to ask, I was sure I was using yours but realsied after I wasnt, but I thought maybe there was like 1% chnace you may use same code orsoemthign and would have a rough idea on the issue i posted. Thanks again but as i mentioend seemed to be issue with iether oxide or game update, not sure why it made a difference though as from what i can tell there was no game update since the forced wipe from facepunch and the oxide version i had im pretty sure was the same but atleast i got it fixed. i guess there would be no chnace with your version you could update it to include all the other sites and not just codeflng? I think I would prefer to keep with your version but i do like the idea of the other plugin checking the other sites.
does this also split the items, been using furnace splitter but that seesm to be having issues from the last update, Only uses 1 slot for smelting and if you remove items from it and addthem back then it seems to steal certain amount of items. Basically looking for a plugin that i can auto split itesm, auto adds corrct amount of wood and smelts from all slots
does this also split the items, been using furnace splitter but that seesm to be having issues from the last update, Only uses 1 slot for smelting and if you remove items from it and addthem back then it seems to steal certain amount of items. Basically looking for a plugin that i can auto split itesm, auto adds corrct amount of wood and smelts from all slots
this version is yours, Which im using now. the version I was using was from the orange website ( rust.workshop), im not sure if its made by the same guy you mentioned. I have seemed to have fixed the issue I posted though, did Oxide and game update later on after I messaged youand my issue seems to of gone away, I also was havingrandom server crashes abd that seems to have stopped to. thanks for yourreply and if i have wasted any of your time, I was jus tconfused and wasnt sure what was happening
ok thanks, I couldnt find a support page on his plugin, I think i may of emailed the orange website that the plugin is hosted on, Do you know a way i can make sure i can message hi mdirectly. I also am trying to do a game and oxoide update just to make sure there is nothing outdated ive missed and casuing a issue, really strange issue though
hi, so quick run down, i notcied i had another plugin called Update checker installed, Im pretty sure I use to use your version "Updates checker" but the imagae you see below is what is spamming in my server start up window, I removed the other version "Update checker" and now tried using your version which is the version i wnated to use and didnt relaise I was using the other. I am goign to message the other plugin creator but I was hoping you knew anything about the image below and why i would keep spamming in my server start bat window. i only noticed it doing it today and becasue its in Red, That ususally means soemthign is wrong with server and needs fixing but all my config files are valid and no errors, My interval is set to 60 minutes, Im not sure why it keeps showing this at every 30 seconds
Does this plugin have the option to send f7 reports to discord? Im looking for something when players make f7 report i can get a webhook or soemthign that reports to discord
will do thanks, is it better to send message here via support or can i send you message directly ? The Npc btw seem to act ok when set to "roam" but you still have to get close before they see you. I think the only thing that i would lik to be changed is for the NPC to see a player a little further away but other than that im glad i bought the plugin, its really good
yeah thanks i found it, the npc just seem to do nothing but i wil lfigure it out, If you can make the npc more aggresive to players that would be good becasue people can just round around looting the crates and drops and the npc dont do anything to stop them, may just be a setting i need to change, i have put the npc to the Bandit Guard but they just stand there anyway thnaks, plugin is really cool
is there a list of types of Npc to try, sorry dont play much Rust and still new to creating a Rust server
Also to save me creating a new support message, Can you make it so we can adjust the behavor of the Npc, Currently i notice players can pretty much walk right past the Npc and the Npc dont shoot, They seem real easy to kill and are not much of a threat to players
npw = 0, is that like a low setting, to increase would I just need to chnage 0 to 100 for example
Installed plugin but I dont see a config file anywhere in my server, I would like to be ablke to adjust some settings. Hoping someone can help
This plugin looks cool but just curious if this is still needed or if Facepunch have fixed the missing storage/ fuel container? Recenelty a few months ago started a Rust server but ive not done cargo ship for a long time and wasn sure if this was still needed
That would be awsome if you can, That would be betetr than current. If there as an airdrop icon that would be good but if not you could try using a "Balst" icon, If you have seen Dangerous treasures plugin they have like a ornage fire blast icon which could be better, but ideally using a icon that represented a airdrop or parachute or even a crate would be best. thankyou for your work
Is there a reason why it cant be chnaged ? Would be so much better to have a icon that doesnt make players think there a shop there. really cool pluging though