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Spawns the instant airdrops and another lot from the sky that land how do i fix this

Closed 1.0.4 1.0.6

KD Gaming 5x
KD Gaming 5x


two lots of airdrops come down one from the instant airdrop and another from the plane that land how would i fix this or is it meant to be like this as my server is 5x and so the airdrops are very decent loot and i dont want my players getting double 

rogder dodger


hey, no it should only spawn the instant one - no plane should be arriving. Do you have any other airdrop related plugins on the server? 


rogder dodger


Changed Status from Pending to Can't Reproduce

Changed Fixed In to 1.0.4

rogder dodger


Changed Status from Can't Reproduce to Work in Progress

rogder dodger


hey - are you still having this problem? Do you use any other plugins that interact with supply signals / air drops? 



KD Gaming 5x


not that i can see no i did have airdrops with out the shot or what ever it is and it still drops two lots and my players get 5 airdrops to 10 from raidable bases so idk


rogder dodger


There must be another plugin conflicting with InstantAirdrops as I am not getting reports of this happening to anyone else and I am not able to recreate it - have a look through your plugin list and check to see if any  of the plugins interact with airdrops etc. 

You can also DM me your list of plugins and i can check too 

rogder dodger


Changed Status from Work in Progress to Can't Reproduce

KD Gaming 5x


yea i dont see anything except for like the fancy drop will that do it ?

and how would i send all my plugins to you unless i screenshot a few screens as i have over 140 plugins 




rogder dodger


Hello, my latest version of the plugin prevents the second airdrop from being called in because of the compatibility issue with Fancy Drop plugin.

This should resolve the problem 

Let me know if you have any more issues,


rogder dodger


Changed Status from Can't Reproduce to Closed

Changed Fixed In from 1.0.4 to 1.0.6



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