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Npc disappear on reload

Closed 1.2.8



Hello. Im new to modding. And whenever i add a mod to my server i use the command oxide.reload * in my consol. And when i do that my NPC disappear and for some reason, the only way to get them to come back is to restart the server. Is there any way to only reload this mod? or am i doing something wrong? Thx for your time!



You should be able to simply reload the plugin as you stated. It's odd that they start with the server fine but won't reload.

Do you know how to find and view your console and or your logs @SmaX94? There may be an indication there as to what is going on when you reload especially and you can watch it then especially to see what it's saying.

If you are able you could join the Mad Mapper Discord and create a ticket to look into that more privately.

Confirm a few things though like the versions of NpcSpawn and BetterNpc, and make sure your server and oxide are all up to date as well. Those are some of the basic steps to check.



@Jbird When i Oxid.reload *, the chat sometimes tells me that the mod loads in correct. and after a few min, the server unloads the mod and nothing spawns. but If i do my oxide at the first 5-10min after a full restart (the npc loads in correct). But all the npc spawn's in normaly when the serve restarts. the issue is not to big for me. but im just asking if there is a way to reload only the BETTER NPC mod or the SPAWN NPC mod. 

My server is only like 5 days old and the BetterNpc mod is around 4 days old. so i guess that the oxid and the npc mod is up to date?



I understand what is happening @SmaX94.

Only reload the plugin or plugins you need to reload not all of them. I misunderstood that part. When you reload all plugins they are probably loading in the wrong order and BetterNpc is probably trying to load without NpcSpawn which will not work.

Only type the name of the plugin you want to reload.

oxide.reload BetterNpc
o.reload BetterNpc

Apologies for taking a moment to realize what you were saying.



Hello everyone, Jbird said correctly in the last message, you are trying to load the BetterNpc file when the NpcSpawn plugin is not loaded on the server yet, since plugins are loaded in alphabetical order. In this case, you need to first load the NpcSpawn plugin and then BetterNpc and then you will be fine. To reload any one plugin, you need to use the command in the server console

o.reload PluginName




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