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not spawning any better npc, says the plugin is loaded

Closed 1.2.8

Kim Eriksson
Kim Eriksson


Failed to call internal hook 'OnSupplyDropDropped' on plugin 'BetterNpc v1.2.8' [3318947710] (The given key 'AirDrop' was not present in the dictionary.)
at EventSpawnPoint System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<string, Oxide.Plugins.BetterNpc+EventSpawnPoint>.get_Item(string key)
at void Oxide.Plugins.BetterNpc.OnSupplyDropDropped(SupplyDrop supplyDrop, CargoPlane cargoPlane)
at object Oxide.Plugins.BetterNpc.InternalCallHook(uint hook, object[] args)


this is the only error i get, other than this the plugin says its working but nothing changes


Posted (edited)

The error you are showing is from when another plugin is trying to use that same hook. So you have another plugin that adjusts or affects Air Drops. Generally the error you shared is harmless.

What do you get when you reload the plugin? Does it load fully, do you see any messages that seem like errors where it does not load a directory or file?

Jump in the Mad Mapper and create a ticket if you'd like and we can work on it there too. But just let me know what you get either way when reloading the plugin and we can go from there.

Edited by Jbird
Kim Eriksson


01/10 15:01:56 | Unloaded plugin BetterNpc v1.2.8 by KpucTaJl

01/10 15:01:57 | Loaded plugin BetterNpc v1.2.8 by KpucTaJl [382ms]

01/10 15:01:57 | [BetterNpc] Plugin loading progress at 2%

01/10 15:01:57 | [BetterNpc] Plugin loading progress at 7%

01/10 15:01:58 | [BetterNpc] Plugin loading progress at 14%

01/10 15:01:58 | [BetterNpc] Plugin loading progress at 21%

01/10 15:01:59 | [BetterNpc] Plugin loading progress at 28%

01/10 15:01:59 | [BetterNpc] Plugin loading progress at 35%

01/10 15:02:00 | [BetterNpc] Plugin loading progress at 42%

01/10 15:02:00 | [BetterNpc] Plugin loading progress at 49%

01/10 15:02:01 | [BetterNpc] Plugin loading progress at 56%

01/10 15:02:02 | [BetterNpc] Plugin loading progress at 63%

01/10 15:02:03 | [BetterNpc] Plugin loading progress at 70%

01/10 15:02:04 | [BetterNpc] Plugin loading progress at 77%

01/10 15:02:05 | [BetterNpc] Plugin loading progress at 84%

01/10 15:02:06 | [BetterNpc] Plugin loading progress at 91%

01/10 15:02:06 | [BetterNpc] Plugin loading progress at 98%

01/10 15:02:06 | [BetterNpc] All puzzles have been successfully reset!

01/10 15:02:06 | [BetterNpc] Completed loading successfully!

It loads like normal, it just does not do anything and after i while it gets the error i sent above



Hi, judging by the message from your console, you forgot to move the data files, just like you created a ticket for BossMonster, you didn't have a message about downloading any of the data files, so you get this error



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