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Unable to buy bases

Closed 2.7.4



Me and anyone in my server are unable to purchase bases, says that it is not available on all difficulties. I have it set to allow for purchasing, and only scheduled raids are the other option i have, im not sure what i've got wrong.



Posted (edited)

hi, there are multiple messages that state not available so what is the exact message?

you have Can Spawn On configured for quite a few so if you try to buy when it's disabled then it will say "Difficulty 'X' is not available today, please try another difficulty."

Edited by nivex


No it just keeps saying that they are not available and then refunds full amount back. like right now there is 1 raid from scheduled, as i have maintained off, no manual. When i go to purchase one, says not available. even set a whole area specifically for them to spawn in using Spawns Database and still says it. 



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Posted (edited)

  "Advanced Protection Radius": {
    "Buyable Events": 75.0,
    "Maintained Events": 75.0,
    "Manual Events": 75.0,
    "Scheduled Events": 75.0,
    "Obstruction Distance Check": -1.0

you have to make sure that there's enough room on raidisland for this or it won't work

"Force All Bases To Spawn At Height Level (0 = Water)": 0.0,

this will prevent any bases from spawning correctly, it should be -1.0 in Expert1.json

"Loot Amount Multiplier": 1.8,

I see you have Allow Duplicate Items enabled in the Easy Bases file, but this increases the amount of each item * 1.8  and not how many items spawned, which is with Amount Of Items To Spawn. so if you have c4 spawning with 10 and set that to 1.8 then that stack will be 10 * 1.8

Edited by nivex


Yes island is large enough for that sized radius(could go to 100), and Expert1 is boat based bases, so needs to be 0, and yes i am aware of how the multiplier will impact the loot tables.


Posted (edited)


Edited by nivex

Posted (edited)

so the rb.config command is broken when adding bases to an existing profile. if you type rb.config add "easy bases" easybase1 0 and the profile exists then it will add a base called 0 instead of setting the difficulty to 0. this breaks the plugin because you can't have basenames with the same name as a difficulty.

rb.config remove 0 1 2 3 4

funny bug, will have it fixed in next update. if you still want to continue adding more bases to profile that exists then don't specify the difficulty at the end. that difficulty would already be set so it doesn't need to be set again anyway


Edited by nivex


I've actually just been adding them manually by hand, seemed easier to do 



ok, not sure how you added them then. just type that command and it will fix your issue

rb.config remove 0 1 2 3 4



Was probably when i initially added the first few sets of bases when i purchased packs, before i understood how the plugins data files worked, but since i've mainly just added to manually by hand as the command always seemed to have issues.



what issues?




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