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Pies still Discoonect

Closed 0.1.1 0.1.2


Posted (edited)

Hello ,


Afther the last update u did pipes still disconnect afther a server restart , And the spliiting is not working when pipes are connected afther a while.


When the pipes are once connected and they disconnect the splitting is not working anymore



Edited by Ac3


Hi, can you please give more information about it. How do you do restart, what happens when splitting stop working, are there any errors before or after this happens or plugins that splits stacks too?

Check please logs for errors in the ".\oxide\logs". You can search by 'IndustrialDung v0.1.1'.
Thank you.


Posted (edited)

Hello , I restart the server with smoothrestarter , I am on Ubunto server 22.04 LTS so i have made a crontab-e and smoothrestarter to restart the server every day @ 5:00 AM


i have cheked the logs but i dont have any logs or errors from the plugin it just random stops splitting / disconnecting pipes


i added a screenshot of my logs files 


The pipes are disconnecting at a plugin reload to , So not only on a server restart



Edited by Ac3

Posted (edited)


The pipes are disconnecting at a plugin reload to , So not only on a server restart

Pipes don't disconnect, they just deleting, because of deleting parent entites(Wood Box, Industiral Storage Adaptor).
Deleting that entites happens when hook "Unload" call. So, when you reload plugin, hook "Unload" is called.

Deleting entites in "Unload" hook is necessary, because when the plugin is unloaded, plugin must delete all stuff that he created.
So if you want to reload or unload this plugin without deleting entites, you must use console/chat command "idung unload". Then if you want load it again, you can use "oxide.load IndustrialDung" to load this plugin, or copy new plugin file to the plugins directory.

When server is shutting down, the "Unload" hook is called too. But in this case the plugin skips method, that delete entites. So for now I can't understnd, why entites are deleting on your server. Maybe it happens because of other plugins. I will check it, when I will have time.

Edited by IIIaKa
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When the pipes are once connected and they disconnect the splitting is not working anymore

What exatly happens? What happened, when splitting stoped to work? What happened, when you put Dungs to Composter?


i have cheked the logs but i dont have any logs or errors from the plugin it just random stops splitting / disconnecting pipes

Logs in oxide_*.txt? And what the "random stops splitting / disconnecting pipes"?



What happends is that the pipes are disconnected afther a server restart but if nobody have the same problem i think its me then , Maybe like u said 1 of my plugins 


Posted (edited)

No more help needit for me , I dont know what is causing the disconnected pipes then.


U can close this support ticket 


Thank you for your time

Edited by Ac3

Posted (edited)

Try version 0.1.2 please, it could help you with "disconnecting" pipes. In this verison split must work good too.
If it doesnt help, let me know, I will try help you in other way.

Edited by IIIaKa


Changed Status from Pending to Closed

Changed Fixed In to 0.1.2



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