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Vendor NPC/Machine changes

Closed 1.0.12RE

Papa Vibes



Firstly, I just wanted to say this map is AWESOME! All of the players on my server are loving it and fascinated by the details.

I've just purchased the paid version as I was looking to change vendor stock amounts; For example, being able to trade stone for wood at more than 10 at a time. I have 0 experience with Rust Edit, and had a brief look around using it but couldn't find out how to make these simple changes.

Am I missing something obvious? Or is it a difficult thing to do?

Typically I am used to using vending machines and the CustomVendingSetup mod to make changes. Is there anything similar I can use to edit the RoboNPC trade settings?

Thanks in advance and again, this map is incredible!

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8o8 Designs


Hey there

Thanks! I have put so much time in to this map and I'm glad you guys like it.

I'm pretty sure you can override the vending with plugins? In rustedit, there's a tab at the top left. you can get access to the vending profiles. If not.. here's my own folder. Add this to your rustedit folder 🙂  created.VendingPresets.zip

8o8 Designs


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