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miss prefab

Closed 1.4




I wanted to edit the map for my server but it miss custom prefab when open in Rust Edit



Hi Electrik, this map has lot custom prefabs and went through 2 major Rust updates. Edit it can only ruin it.

Unfortunately there is nothing I can do to help you with it.

Also, any modifications of the map will prevent you to receive any update of the map without losing your modifications. 

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maybe break those prefab ? or include it in the folder ? (that what i do), so every owner can edit it (because if I can't edit it, I can't use the map for my server)




i'm a mapper, so if there's some issue when I edit it, I can fix it really easy




scene hierarchy -> select all -> break prefab -> save map
and it's done



Hey, sorry the map comes has is. If you wish add specific prefabs, you can buy them and add. Some of the prefabs I use on my map are also sold separately. Also like I mentioned in my previous answer, if you modify the map, you will lose your modification with the updates...

 Best regards,



Posted (edited)

i know that, but when you buy a map for $40 you should have the ability to edit it, it's really not good, and not good to have to buy another monument to have the ability to edit the map.

for the update no worries, I know what I'm doing
but if I can't edit the map, then I can't use it, and I will ask for a refund

Edited by Electrik

Posted (edited)

All of the maps I have purchased (and there are many) have the ability to be edited (by having the custom prefabs in the folder or having a map with all the custom prefabs broken). And I think I'm not the only one doing this.

Edited by Electrik


Changed Status from Pending to Closed



You are getting those errors because it's not an editable map. There is nothing saying that this map is editable in the description. I saw your comment on my YouTube and and your 0 star review on Codefling because I don't want to give you free stuff. Again this map isn't for editing but for server owners to add on their server. 

I always support my maps and all my other assets fully - for updates and bugs but this is a map I am selling, not a map bundled with prefabs. I'm sorry you feel slighted but I do not owe you anything and have not said anything to mislead you to thinking you get anything other than the map.

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no, it's not free stuff, it's stuff that I paid for, and i'm a server owner and wanted to add the map on my own server, but it missed the Launch site (on a 6k map, really  ?), i need to add raid islands, my own town, but maybe 40$ is not enought to have a good product...

99% of mapper provide custom prefab for owner that want to add more stuff on the map, or fixed things, or add their own prefab in addition.

paying 40$ to have a map where you need to buy other prefab, no really it's the worst way to sell maps



but no worries, will not use the map (i can't) keep the money.... lol



et on va continuer en français parce que là l'anglais ça me saoul

il n'est noté nul part que la map est éditable, mais comme sur toutes les map, sauf que ça veut plutôt dire qu'elles le sont, éditable.
c'est la première fois en 3 ans que je vois une map à ce prix non éditable. 



Tout les monuments sont listé dans la description. 

Sur ce, donne soirée à vous.



oui listé, mais sans pouvoir retoucher la map, le prix est bien trop cher, les maps non éditable sont la plupart du temps des maps gratos (puisque justement il faut payer pour avoir accès à la version éditable).
D'ailleurs une partie de ces monuments sont éditable, et pas d'autres.

Cette map ne vaut pas plus de 10-20 euros à tout casser.
Et une map non éditable payante à ce prix c'est juste une arnaque.



Hi Electrik,

The map was listed and advertised for server owners to run on their servers. There is quite a detailed list of both custom and default FP monuments listed so possible buyers can see what is on the map prior to purchase. Its up to each creator how they price their work and if the map is editable. When a person buys a map it does not mean that they have bought the rights to all of the prefabs on the map, this is up to each creator to decide what they wish to allow with the map.

When buying a map for the purpose of adding to it, its always better to ensure that the map file is editable and all monuments are included. 

Some prefabs/monuments depending on how complex or their use can be expensive. 

I am sure if you had asked for launch site to be added Skirow may have been able to come to an agreement with you, but after reading your comments above I do not know if this would happen now.

If you have any questions or comments about my post then please get in touch with me.



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The problem is not that, i need to add a Lone arena (paid one so i can't send him), and add islands for using raidable bases, without that my serv will lost too many features. Also, when i bought the map, there was no license that said you can't edit it, now yes (good for futur buyer).

I find a way, it will just take me weeks to make this map working for my server, but it's shure i will never buy another thing from this mapper.



When you purchased the map file it did not state that all the prefabs were included for editing, or that you can add to it. You are correct that you cannot pass paid/free prefabs to another creator as they all have different licence agreements. The description stated that the map was for server owners to use the map as it was created by Skirow. Maybe this should have been much clearer in the description.

In future I would suggest to ensure that prior to buying any map, make sure that its editable to suit your needs or if you wish to add more elements to it by asking the creator. Many creators make maps that are not editable and are created for the sole purpose of playing them as they are.



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"creators make maps that are not editable and are created for the sole purpose of playing them as they are."

when mappers do that they need to be shure all the map have no issues.



Yes that is very true and if you ever see any issues with any map/prefab then message the creator and they can resolve the issue. No map is ever 100% without issues. But I do not think this was the issue here, you desired to edit the map and add more to it to suit your needs not that it had issues with the map or that it was not playable as it was posted.



yes that's my problem, buying a map where it's not noted anywhere that you can't edit it, or that if you want to edit it you'll have to buy other monuments, with a mapper who doesn't want to know or understand anything about the problem, a problem that can't be solved since I can't send him the prefabs I need to add, and who adds his license after the problem has arisen in order to protect himself from his information error.

But beyond that, I've seen some pretty blatant and beginner-like bugs, and you can't really sell a map at this price with errors like that. (but for tha point it's just my point of view)


Posted (edited)

I think this maybe better in DM's, but making an assumption just because you purchase the map and not read the license agreement or description beforehand is not the creators fault. As you have clearly stated you wished this map to add to it not use it the way it was listed or posted. Have you at any time reached out to the creator about these " blatant and beginner-like bugs" to have them resolved ? 

The price that any prefab/map is sold at is up to the creator themselves and when purchasing anything like this, its helpful if the buyer understands what it is they are buying and they know what they are getting for their money. 

I find it strange that you above all people are calling out another creator for what you see as "some pretty blatant and beginner-like bugs", I do assume that you reached out to the creator and pointed these issues out ?

If you wish to DM me personally then by all means please do, but this is my last comment regarding this issue and what seems to be a misunderstanding regarding a map, its prefabs and how they could be used outside of how it was advertised.




Edited by Knockcree



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