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Change KEY to Interact

Closed 1.3.01



Hello, by default pet control is bounded to MIDDLE_MOUSE, I have another plugin linked to this button, so I'm trying to change it to E Key, perhaps I've changed this in config file, can't change the key, any clue on how can I solve this?, thanks!



  "Controls setup": {
    "Which button will assign tasks to the animal, attack / collect, etc. (MIDDLE_MOUSE, SECOND_MOUSE, E, RELOAD, SPRINT)": "E",
    "Button to open animal inventory (MIDDLE_MOUSE, SECOND_MOUSE, E, RELOAD, SPRINT)": "",
    "Button to mount animal (MIDDLE_MOUSE, SECOND_MOUSE, E, RELOAD, SPRINT)": "",
    "Range of action of the assignment button": 50.0,
    "Input tick (affects performance and feedback of the inputs, 0.1 for best performance, 0.01 for best feedback)": 0.05,
    "Display 3D arrows over a target?": true,
    "Arrow display duration": 1,
    "Distance between player and animal to move animal into idle state": 1.0,
    "Control animal by mouse direction (true) of by WASD buttons (false) when mounted?": true
  "GUI setup": {
    "How many seconds to update the GUI?": 6,
    "Panel layer (Hud, Overlay, Overall, Hud.Menu, Under)": "Hud.Menu",
    "Panel position": {
      "type": "RectTransform",
      "anchormin": "1 1",
      "anchormax": "1 1",
      "offsetmin": "-170 -104",
      "offsetmax": "-10 -10"
    "Second position of the panel (used if the player has a personal bot)": {
      "type": "RectTransform",
      "anchormin": "1 1",
      "anchormax": "1 1",
      "offsetmin": "-360 -104",
      "offsetmax": "-200 -10"
    "1 panel color": "#7f8c8d",
    "2 panel color": "#bdc3c7",
    "Health bar color": "#2ecc71",
    "Shortcut buttons": [
        "Text on button": "Stay on Position",
        "Executable chat commands": [
          "panimal idle"
  "Protect from Rust anti-cheat kick when player riding an animal": {
    "Kick if detected noclip?": true,
    "Kick if detected speedhack?": true,
    "Kick if detected flyhack?": true,
    "Kick if detected insideterrain?": true
  "Spawn settings": {
    "Can player spawn animal in cupboard range?": true,
    "Can player spawn animal on construction? (foundations, floors, walls, etc.)": true,
    "Can player spawn animal on deployed entities? (wood boxes, tables, workbenches, etc.)": true
  "Setting up personal animals by permission": {
    "personalanimal.wolf": {
      "The name of the animal to be selected through the command when spawning": "wolf1",
      "Animal type (bear, boar, chicken, stag, wolf, polar-bear)": "wolf",
      "Animal speed (slowest, slow, normal, fast)": "normal",
      "Maximum health": 200,
      "Animal spawn cooldown": 300.0,
      "AI Stopping Distance": 0.1,
      "Addons setup": {
        "Enable the ability to ride an animal?": false,
        "Add a bag to an animal to store resources?": false,
        "Number of available slots in the bag (maximum 36)": 12
      "Functions setup": {
        "Can the animal attack objects?": true,
        "Can an animal loot boxes?": false,
        "Can the animal pick up resources?": true,
        "Does the animal have to defend itself?": true,
        "Should the animal protect the owner?": true,
        "Can an animal collect resources within a radius of 50 meters? (/panimal auto-collect)": false,
        "Only owner can open animal's bag after death?": true
      "Damage, interactions and loot setup": {
        "Animal damage rate": 3.0,
        "Damage rate receive for an animal": 1.0,
        "Can the animal damage players?": true,
        "Can players damage the animal?": true,
        "Despawn animal corpse after death?": true,
        "Distance between animal and loot entity (collectible resources, loot boxes etc.)": 3.0,
        "Distance between animal and enemy": 5.0,
        "Setting up resource pickup rates": {
          "stones": 5.0
        "Black list of items that cannot be put in the bag": [
      "Death Marker (marker will be only visible for owner)": {
        "Show marker on bot's death position?": false,
        "Display name on map": "Bot's death marker",
        "Marker radius": 0.35,
        "Outline color (hex)": "00FFFFFF",
        "Main color (hex)": "00FFFF",
        "Alpha": 0.5,
        "Duration": 20
      "Nutrition setup": {
        "Turn on the animal feeding system?": true,
        "Setting health for food eaten": {
          "pumpkin": 10.0,
          "corn": 5.0,
          "apple": 5.0
  "Damage scale from animals to other entities": {
    "bradleyapc": 0.0,
    "bradley": 0.0
  "Animal install by item": [
      "Item name": "Wolf",
      "Item shortname": "furnace",
      "Item skin": 1234,
      "Bot info": {
        "The name of the animal to be selected through the command when spawning": "wolf1",
        "Animal type (bear, boar, chicken, stag, wolf, polar-bear)": "wolf",
        "Animal speed (slowest, slow, normal, fast)": "normal",
        "Maximum health": 200,
        "Animal spawn cooldown": 300.0,
        "AI Stopping Distance": 0.1,
        "Addons setup": {
          "Enable the ability to ride an animal?": false,
          "Add a bag to an animal to store resources?": true,
          "Number of available slots in the bag (maximum 36)": 12
        "Functions setup": {
          "Can the animal attack objects?": true,
          "Can an animal loot boxes?": true,
          "Can the animal pick up resources?": true,
          "Does the animal have to defend itself?": true,
          "Should the animal protect the owner?": true,
          "Can an animal collect resources within a radius of 50 meters? (/panimal auto-collect)": false,
          "Only owner can open animal's bag after death?": true
        "Damage, interactions and loot setup": {
          "Animal damage rate": 2.0,
          "Damage rate receive for an animal": 1.0,
          "Can the animal damage players?": true,
          "Can players damage the animal?": true,
          "Despawn animal corpse after death?": false,
          "Distance between animal and loot entity (collectible resources, loot boxes etc.)": 3.0,
          "Distance between animal and enemy": 5.0,
          "Setting up resource pickup rates": {
            "stones": 5.0
          "Black list of items that cannot be put in the bag": [
        "Death Marker (marker will be only visible for owner)": {
          "Show marker on bot's death position?": false,
          "Display name on map": "Bot's death marker",
          "Marker radius": 0.35,
          "Outline color (hex)": "00FFFFFF",
          "Main color (hex)": "00FFFF",
          "Alpha": 0.5,
          "Duration": 20
        "Nutrition setup": {
          "Turn on the animal feeding system?": true,
          "Setting health for food eaten": {
            "pumpkin": 10.0,
            "corn": 5.0,
            "apple": 5.0
  "List of prefabs that the animal can loot (useful if the animal attacks loot instead of looting it)": [




The plugin that I wish to keep using the middle mouse button is RadialMenu, if it helps


Posted (edited)

contact me at discord, maybe it's a bug, i want to check this, i'll second you an edited file

Edited by walkinrey


Sure, where I can get your DS User? Or there's a server for this? Thanks in advance!



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Changed Status from Work in Progress to Closed



I have a similar issue, would love to see what the solution was here 🙂



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