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npcspawn does not exist

Closed 1.2.2

Bubles Buternuts
Bubles Buternuts


ok so i used this plugin before 

started a fresh server now hen i reload all plugins this plugin breaks says there is no spawnnpc plugin and i need to download it 

to fix this i have to delete the data fold for npc then jut place it back in after the server has been shut down 




What version of NpcSpawn are you using @Bubles Buternuts? What are you using it with?

What NPC data folder are you deleting and replacing after the server has restarted?

Bubles Buternuts


should be t he latest download version but did not use the updated npc folder 

oxide data betternpc folder 

it is strange that it says spawn.npc is not installed and the fix is to delte the betternpc folder 




Are you using old data files and reinstalling them? Look back at previous update notes, depending how long it's been you've missed big updates. Coming from old enough versions the config changed and you may be having issues for that reason.

Type 'plugins' into your server console and it will tell you all of the plugins loaded, not loaded, and their versions and such. Grab that list and paste it here or in a ticket in the Mad Mapper Discord.

Once you've looked into and confirmed all of that, reload the plugin with 'o.reload BetterNpc' and you can copy and paste all of the text that comes after that. There will be quite a bit. Leave the config set to show all details. This will tell us if it's noticing any issues with the data config files.



Trying to see what's in the screenshots but it's blurry once I zoom in on it.

Bubles Buternuts


i download the plugin and use what is in the folder with a fresh server no updating since i saw the update files in a complete seperate folder later honestly have no idea why the updated file is in another folder that goes against the actual read me file but hey 

Bubles Buternuts


it says it is loaded here just now because i restarted the server and deleted the betternpc folder and put it back in cmd.png.a6e437790b29d3887105e37c204c8a15.png

and typing o.reload betternpc gives me the error that spawnnpc is not downloaded but it is 




Is there something you want to show in those first screenshots of the folders?

I don't know what ReadMe you are talking about or what instructions you are struggling with. The updated 'file' meaning the CS file?

This is all I needed here, in the last screenshot.

  • NpcSpawn 2.5.5
  • BetterNpc 1.2.2


Type the following command then share what you get in console as a response.

o.reload BetterNpc
Bubles Buternuts



i said what folder it was you then asked me what folder it was so i showed all the steps to get to the said folder i was talking about since when i said the actual folder name you were still not sure on what folder it was ! this is why each folder step to get to said folder i screenshot, the read me is the read me file instruction that is set inside the download for the plugin 

the part im struggling with is the plugin or when the server launches i have a 70 percent chance that the server says spawn.npc is not in the plugin folder so in reality it is the plugin that is struggling 

all files are were they are supposed to be but if i type o.reload * to reload all plugins it says that the spawn.npc.cs is not installed 

if i type o.reload spawn.npc it still says that the spawn.npc does not exist in the folder 

i have to delete the folder betternpc with all the npc settings then put a brand new one in then reload the plugin again or restart the server 

then all is fine for a while then if i type the o.reload * again to reload all plugins if i add more it will give me that error again saying spawn.npc is not installed please download it now this is not 100 percent of the time it is random the part that i am realy struggling with is you are saying type o.reload betternpc but i have also stated this is one of the causes for breaking the plugin and that readme2 is what it tells me to go download that spawn.npc file but it is already downloaded !!!!!






i said what folder it was you then asked me what folder it was so i showed all the steps to get to the said folder i was talking about since when i said the actual folder name you were still not sure on what folder it was ! this is why each folder step to get to said folder i screenshot, the read me is the read me file instruction that is set inside the download for the plugin

I asked what specific folder. There are several folders and the one that usually has problems is the Custom folder, which is empty by default. Some hosts will delete this folder since it is empty and this causes issues. I didn't know if you were deleting the entire BetterNpc folder or another folder or folders inside of it. You don't have to take screenshots of each step just needed to know what you were deleting and why.


the part im struggling with is the plugin or when the server launches i have a 70 percent chance that the server says spawn.npc is not in the plugin folder so in reality it is the plugin that is struggling

In reality the issue needs to be repeatable and the cause found before claims like that can be made.



all files are were they are supposed to be but if i type o.reload * to reload all plugins it says that the spawn.npc.cs is not installed

if i type o.reload spawn.npc it still says that the spawn.npc does not exist in the folder

i have to delete the folder betternpc with all the npc settings then put a brand new one in then reload the plugin again or restart the server

then all is fine for a while then if i type the o.reload * again to reload all plugins if i add more it will give me that error again saying spawn.npc is not installed please download it now this is not 100 percent of the time it is random the part that i am realy struggling with is you are saying type o.reload betternpc but i have also stated this is one of the causes for breaking the plugin and that readme2 is what it tells me to go download that spawn.npc file but it is already downloaded !!!!!

Why are you reloading all plugins? You only need to reload one plugin and share what you are getting in console as it should catch most errors. You are reloading every single plugin which unloads them first, then loads them again. BetterNpc is loading first and does not have NpcSpawn loaded yet so it's causing the error you see, then NpcSpawn loads after that message. You are just making it more difficult than it needs to be though, don't unload or reload all plugins only reload BetterNpc. If anything reload both like below then share all of the console response from reloading BetterNpc properly.

o.reload NpcSpawn
o.reload BetterNpc

If you unload anything just unload all plugins and only load these two. That's good for testing. But otherwise leave the other plugins alone and only reload the one you are testing or being asked about. In this case only really need to reload BetterNpc while everything else is running then show me what console says as a response, the whole thing.

Bubles Buternuts


I HAVE DONE THIS ALREADY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! o.reload NpcSpawn o.reload BetterNpc and it is a rng chance that it works 

Bubles Buternuts


and to answere you'r question about why do the o.reload * if i add a few plugins at once meh saves time and in the past it has not been an issue 

Bubles Buternuts


and to make it simple since you dont seem to understand 

1) tried o.reload npcspawn it threw me the error that spawn.npc was not installed when it was 

2) i have tried o.reload betternpc and it threw me the error that spawn.npc was not installed when it was 

3) i have tried o.reload * guess why i did this because the two steps that should of worked did not it is called covering all the basis i am not going to bang my head and do the same method over and over again when it clearly does not work 

4) i have shutdown the server and deleted spawn.npc and put it back in then restarted the server it still threw me the error 

5) i shutdown the server and deleted the folder betternpc and put a fresh one back in loaded the server everything worked 

dun dun dunnnnnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

Bubles Buternuts


but seeing how it has taken you a couple days now to suggest the same thing every day that i have already stated i have done already i would consider getting someone else to do you'r customer service because you clearly must be drunk while doing it 

mod itself when it works 5 stars out of 5 

customer service 0



@Bubles Buternuts 

Hi. I have read the entire dialog and I have a list of questions and information that I need to understand your problem

1) Do I understand correctly that the problem does not always appear to you and is not natural?

2) You say that the console says that NpcSpawn is not loaded and this is a problem, could you send me a screenshot of this message

3) Send me all the messages (or screenshots) from your server console when you do the command o.reload NpcSpawn

4) Send me all the messages (or screenshots) from your server console when you do the o.reload BetterNpc command, I do a lot of messages while loading the plugin to the server to understand from them what this or that problem is

5) Do I understand correctly that you are using oxide or am I wrong and you are using carbon?

6) Send me all the messages (or screenshots) from your server console when you write the version and o.version command

Bubles Buternuts

Posted (edited)

1) yes it is not natural not had the issue before 

2) correct but problem has been resolved so cant send new screenshots 

3) problem resolved so cant show console response to o.reload NpcSpawn

4) problem resolved so cant show console response to o.reload BetterNpc

5) yes using oxide 

6) version screenshot uploaded Screenshot2023-07-24133736.png.80b5afe5f0fbf0891cb7fb1616d2bac3.png


honestly not sure what fixed the issue i tried the commands bellow  and the problem persisted but after a couple days the bug did not appear again 

1) o.reload NpcSpawn

2) o.reload BetterNpc

3) o.reload * 



Edited by Bubles Buternuts
Bubles Buternuts


the only auto fix i think that could of happened is even though i am sure i got the latest oxide i did download a server restarter that is supposed to clean up files and update oxide at the same time 

because after installed that there was no issue with the supposed missing spawn.npc file 



Happy to hear the issue is resolved. The developer is traveling at the moment and noticed it was not responded to so I wanted to reply.



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